According to PEP 621 – Storing project metadata in pyproject.toml | :
Data specified using this PEP is considered canonical. Tools CANNOT remove, add or change data that has been statically specified.
However, for name
it says:
Tools SHOULD normalize this name, as specified by PEP 503, as soon as it is read for internal consistency.
And now PEP 685 also instructs the same thing for the names of optional dependency groups.
So, when PEP 621 says “change” can we assume it’s referring to semantics? I introduced a change to Hatchling that I haven’t yet released because I came across ^ line.
Basically, if a user defines:
dependencies = [
"Foo.Bar; python_version< '3.8'",
I want to write:
Requires-Dist: foo-bar; python_version < '3.8'
Is this allowed?