PEP 750: Tag Strings For Writing Domain-Specific Languages

Hi! :wave:

We are very excited to present PEP 750 - Tag Strings For Writing Domain-Specific Languages. We believe that tag strings will be a great addition to Python, which will make string processing and writing Python-based DSLs much easier. We look forward to hearing everyone’s feedback!


This PEP introduces tag strings for custom, repeatable string processing. Tag strings are an extension to f-strings, with a custom function – the “tag” – in place of the f prefix. This function can then provide rich features such as safety checks, lazy evaluation, domain-specific languages (DSLs) for web templating, and more.

Tag strings are similar to JavaScript tagged template literals and related ideas in other languages. The following tag string usage shows how similar it is to an f string, albeit with the ability to process the literal string and embedded values:

name = "World"
greeting = greet"hello {name}"
assert greeting == "Hello WORLD!"

Tag functions accept prepared arguments and return a string:

def greet(*args):
    """Tag function to return a greeting with an upper-case recipient."""
    salutation, recipient, *_ = args
    getvalue, *_ = recipient
    return f"{salutation.title().strip()} {getvalue().upper()}!"

Below you can find richer examples. As a note, an implementation based on CPython 3.14 exists, as discussed in this document.



Nice work!

My main concern with this idea is filling up the namespace with a variety of short names. It’s clearly convenient to have xml or html as a prefix,[1] but I’m not convinced it’s significantly better than a function.

And of course, we can’t use dots in these names, which means we’re doing a function lookup on a top-level function with a short name that could very easily be overwritten at some point.

I’m inclined towards a generic tag that converts the interpolations into structured data. Something like i"str {x:format}" becoming Interpolated(s="str {0}", args=[(x, "format"), ...]).

Then the tags can be regular functions that handle the Interpolated type - xml.parse(i"<e attr={x} />"). It’s not quite as syntactic sugar, but it’s more extensible and safer to use.

And maybe there’s an additional layer of sugar that can be added on top, for rarer cases where you can live with the namespace pollution? But if the only option is to create top-level namespace pollution in order to use it at all, I don’t think this will move as quickly as you’d like.

  1. greet is a poorly motivated example, IMHO. You should lead with something that’s useful. ↩︎


Just to be clear…these tag functions don’t go in built-ins or the standard library. They are user-defined functions. In your own code or from a package you install. (I’m not saying this was your point, more in case someone reads it that way.)

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Yeah, it’s your own local namespace that I’m worried about polluting.

For example, you couldn’t both import the xml module and have an xml tag available, because the names collide.


Because both of these are currently invalid syntax, it’s possible for tag strings to additionally both support dotted names:

lazy.f"Like f-string, but this tag function lazily evaluates {expr}"

and atomic expressions

(resolve_to_tag_function())"The velocity of an unladen sparrow is {velocity} m/s"

I can see arguments either way (shorter names vs avoid namespace cluttering). In practice, it is somewhat more involved/difficult to implement these two additional cases, but if the ergonomics make sense to the community, that’s likely a reasonable cost.

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Thanks, I can tell a lot of good thought went into this PEP. Overall, I like the design and think it would be a good addition to the language.

However, I have one significant concern. It relates to the deferred evaluation of interpolation expressions. I understand the motivation for this design choice, but I think it has many downsides that are not recognized or addressed in the PEP. The good news is that there are reasonable ways to accommodate lazy evaluation use cases without any of these downsides (more on that later).

Let me start by trying to convince you that deferring the evaluation of interpolation expressions in the common case is a bad idea.

First, it complicates the mental model for users of tag strings. They have to assume that all of their interpolation expressions may not be evaluated immediately. Deferred evaluation requires special considerations, so doing it implicitly leads to surprises. It places a higher burden on users to make their code correct in all circumstances. If they are the author of both the tag function and the tag string, this is less of an issue, but in many cases these will be different developers.

Users of tag strings cannot reassign or modify any of the values used in interpolation expressions after the tag string definition because the final evaluated string may be affected.

name = "Bob"
my_str = greet"hello {name}"

name = "Ellen"
print(my_str) # What would you expect here?

del name
print(my_str) # Will this crash?

There is no guarantee that evaluations will be performed by the tag function exactly once and in a left-to-right order.

id = 1
def get_next_id():
    global id
    id += 1
    return id

my_str = tag_fn"{get_next_id()}: a, {get_next_id()}: b"
print(my_str) # Is this guaranteed to print "1: a, 2: b"?
# What if the tag function evaluates them multiple times?
# What if the tag function evaluates them in a different order?
# What if the tag function skips evaluating some of the?

print(my_str) # Will this print "3: a, 4: b"?

Second, when users encounter problems like this, the issue will be difficult to debug. Debugging async code is challenging in general, and this is even more challenging because debuggers will typically lack the context to show users what is executing at the time the bug occurs.

Third, static analysis tools like mypy and pyright will need to conservatively assume that all interpolation expressions are evaluated in a deferred manner. This means they’ll inevitably produce false positives in cases where evaluation isn’t deferred (the common case). Here’s an example:

def func(name_or_id: str | int):
    if isinstance(name_or_id, str):
        # The type of name_or_id is narrowed to `str` here,
        # but the narrowed type cannot be used if `name_or_id`
        # is evaluated in a deferred manner. This will result in
        # a static type error when calling the `upper` method.
        print(greet"Hello {name_or_id.upper()}!")

I see two potential ways to avoid some or all of the above problems.

Fix 1 (my recommendation): Make deferred execution explicit by having the user provide a callable in the interpolation expression. This fix addresses all of the problems I mentioned above.

With this fix, all interpolation expressions are evaluated immediately by the runtime, as they are with f-strings. This guarantees that they are all evaluated exactly once in left-to-right order, preserving the common-sense mental model of f-strings.

In the (relatively rare) case where the user wants their interpolation expression to be evaluated lazily (e.g. because it’s an expensive call or the information is not yet available) and this functionality is supported by the tag function, they can provide a lambda or other callable in their interpolation expression. If a tag function supports deferred (lazy) evaluation, it can look at the evaluated value of the interpolation expression and determine whether it’s callable. If it’s callable, it should call it to retrieve the value. If the value is not callable, the tag function should assume that the value can be used directly in a non-deferred manner.

name = "Ralph"

# `name` is evaluated immediately
greet"Hello {name}"

# The expression `lambda: name` is evaluated immediately.
# It is callable, so the tag function calls it in a deferred
# manner to retrieve the final value.
greet"Hello {lambda: name}!"

# Here "tag" is evaluated immediately but `fetch_body_deferred`
# is callable, so it is called in a deferred manner.
tag = "body"
def fetch_body_deferred() -> str: ...

The nice thing about this approach is that the common case (where deferred evaluation isn’t needed or desired) is much simpler. It puts the user of the tag string in control. In the less-common situation where deferred evaluation is desired, it’s clear to the user — and to static analysis tools — that deferred evaluation is being used. Users can be more cautious when deferred evaluation is intended, and static analysis tools can detect potential programming errors that result from deferred evaluation without generating false positives in the common immediate-evaluation case.

(Partial) Fix 2: Document clear expectations for tag functions. This mitigates some, but not all, of the problems. I don’t recommend this fix unless there are objections to fix 1.

This fix involves a clear, documented contract for tag functions. They should be expected to evaluate every interpolation expression exactly once and in order. If they fail to honor this contract, users of tag strings may see unexpected behaviors.

This approach is still problematic because it addresses only some of the problems. There’s also no way for the runtime or static analysis tools to enforce this contract, so there’s still potential for bugs.


The goal of this feature is to define DSLs. Users will need to learn the rule of each individual tag function (i.e. DSL) in isolation, and they should not carry over assumptions about when a value gets evaluated from one to the other.

Hello Bob

No, because the greet DSL eagerly evaluates it’s arguments. This should be spelt out in the documentation of greet.

Strong disagree. This limits to the usefulness of this feature so much that I think it’s useless. Maybe the PEP failed to give a good example, but IMO one of the strongest usecases is lazily evaluated (potentially even intentionally changed variables) templates. Explicitly requiring users to write lambda: breaks the normal reading flow and adds an unnecessary burden that already requires careful documentation reading to use correctly.

Again, strong disagree. Setting this expectation is limiting the usability of this feature way to much. There should be a strong recommendation to clearly documented when and how the expressions will be evaluated, but there shouldn’t be a warning that not following the normal rules of f-strings will lead to bugs.

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FWIW, earlier drafts had an example of “lazy f-strings.” Our companion repo has some example code. We removed for brevity. But I believe StackOverflow would show there’s an audience for that.

If you’re interested in kicking the tires, there’s actually an implementation based on 3.14 (thanks to Jim, Guido, and Lysandros.) You can try it:


But presumably you could have an XML tag if that’s what you want.

That’s really fun! A powerful feature, no doubt.

After a bit of playing, semantics about what gets executed when became clearer to me:

def _greet(*args):
    exec(compile(args[0], "s", "exec"), globals())
    return f"{args[0]}"

greet = _greet
greet'greet = lambda *args: "We gone...  "'
    + greet'Ok'
    + _greet("greet = _greet  ")
    + greet"print('We back?')   "
    + greet"c = 3  " 
    + greet"print(a, b, c)"

# This outputs:
# We back?
# 1 2 3
# a=1
# greet'''
# b=2
# greet'greet = lambda *args: "We gone...  "'
# '''
# We gone...  greet = _greet  print('We back?')   c = 3  print(a, b, c)

But I’m not sure I like all it makes possible:

print(str"a")  # a
print(int"2")  # 2
print"b"  # b
print(type"a")  # <class 'DecodedConcrete'>
import sys
write = sys.stdout.write
write"Hmm"  # Hmm
list'defabc'  # ['d', 'e', 'f', 'a', 'b', 'c']
list'''{list"{sorted'defabc'}"}'''[0]()[0]()  # ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']

I personally would definitely would want dotted name support.


I enjoyed playing with this, but I found the first example a bit confusing initially. After reading the “Proposal” section I realized the real power of this feature.

Here’s an example that might demonstrate the power of this a bit more readily:

import re
from typing import Decoded, Interpolation, Pattern

def regex(*args: Decoded | Interpolation) -> Pattern:
    result = []
    for arg in args:
        match arg:
            case Decoded() as decoded:
            case Interpolation() as interpolation:
                value = interpolation.getvalue()
    return re.compile(f"{''.join(result)}")

Here’s an example use of that tag (though someone can probably think of a better one):

def find_word(string, word):
    return regex"\b{word}\b".findall(string)

And here’s what it’s effectively equivalent to:

def find_word(string, word):
    return re.findall(rf"\b{re.escape(word)}\b", string)

Fully working code here. Feel free to borrow that code or some variation of it as an example in the PEP.

Note: I tried to come up with an example that used logging or sqlite3 to avoid the common “don’t use f-strings when logging” and “string formatting leads to SQL inejection” issues, but I had trouble due to the inability to use . in the tag. I worked around it with x = cursor.x in this example.

Personal preference note, as someone teaching Python:

I’m torn on the syntax. The use of quotes makes me think “this returns a string” and also seems like it could lead to a challenge in knowing what to look up in a search engine to learn about this syntax.

If backticks or another symbol were used instead of quotes, I could imagine beginners searching for “Python backtick syntax”. But the current syntax doesn’t have a simple answer to “what should I type into Google/DDG/etc. to look this up”.


Nice example, thanks (and thanks for looking at it.) You’re also right about logging, it came up in earlier discussion.

Interesting point about a different character instead of quote. JavaScript also uses backtick, but uses it for both template literal (f-string) and tagged template literal (tag string). Also: tagged template literals, unlike template literals, don’t have to return a string.

The tag name is just a regular name that has been defined or imported in the namespace. So the discovery process of what is this tag string and how does it work, starts there. So I would imagine someone in a code editor could click on the specific regex name for the tag string, go to its definition, read its docs, etc. Code editors could also usefully summarize usage as well through hovering.

Tag strings are often stringified, or return subclasses of str, but not necessarily. We didn’t want to deter the innovation that was possible by returning other objects, and especially provide hard edges that would require someone to go back to using sys._getframe for their actual problems.

Given the use of backticks in JS tagged template literals, it was the first approach we considered for Python. But each of the current string variants, especially f-strings, required understanding of this new syntax. Starting with the same syntax as f-strings, but targeted for DSLs, seem to be straightforward to teach and learn.

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At that point, we should just allow any expression (we’ve been down this road before).


Unfortunately, now it’s not that easy because the tag: the lexer uses it to enter f-string mode (now tag string mode) and its included on the FSTRING_START token. Using dotted_name won’t do because the lexer doesn’t know what dotted_name is; therefore, it cannot know if it needs to enter tag string mode or normal string mode. The parser cannot drive the lexer so the lexer must do the lexing on its own without any grammatical information (the same way the parser can be directly driven by a bunch of tokens alone without the lexer). Anything that couples both pieces it will be a nightmare.

There are hacky ways around it. I suggested one way to make that work which is that basically when the lexer detects the start of a string it asks “What’s the last token I emitted”. If it is NAME or ) or some of the other ones that currently are illegal it emits tag-string tokens but @lys.nikolaou noticed that the way he implemented this idea was backwards incompatible because that was too big of a change since it broke all tokenization code that tokenizes STRING tokens. Maybe there are better ways around it or there are ways to make this approach not backwards incompatible, but we are are certainly stretching the lexer a bit so maintenance may be a concern.


On the plus side, it offers a form of “decimal literal” (which has been requested many times) for free:

from decimal import Decimal as D

dec_num = D"2.71828"

Thanks for the PEP! I’m excited to see and use what comes out the other end!

The two thoughts I had:

  1. This means we’ll never get another string prefix again (in reality). It also means people are likely going to use other single letters prefixes at some point (which as someone else points out, probably hurts discoverability). So I think it deserves at least a section on the rejected alternatives as to not something more obviously different (greet!"foo" or back ticks as strawmen)

  2. The title of the PEP mentions this is for DSLs, however one reason to desire this feature has nothing to do with runtime semantics: annotating what the string is to tools. E.g. py"""...""" without any runtime implication is still useful as editors can syntax highlight and formatters/linters can format/lint. Same for sql"""...""" etc…
    So, I’d love to see that get some attention (which could be as much as a new stdlib module which has a __getattr__ for any name that just returns a function that is mostly just string identity (strawman on whether it acts like bare string or f string). Or as little as mentioning this is a use case which can be explored in another PEP, and that this PEP adds the obvious groundwork, and otherwise doesn’t block future improvements)


I also thought about this, and I think it’s another (not negligible) advantage to Steve’s idea of i-strings just returning an Interpolated object.