To help try to wrap this up so we can consider this settled and still hit a Dec 1 resolution of at least which governance model we want, here is what I can tell is potentially an open issue.
Ballots private during voting?
I think the suggestion is to use public-key cryptography where a neutral third-party (i.e. Ewa) holds the private key and we all use a public key committed into the voting repo.
If we do this, I personally have no issue with Ewa holding the private key.
As for actually doing this, it will make voting harder if e.g. someone is on vacation during the voting period and can’t do any better than web access. With no encryption we can all at least do this through a GitHub’s web UI. Adding encryption will require an appropriate laptop or figuring out some web page that can handle the encryption on your behalf.
I personally prefer not bothering with encryption because:
- It’s simpler not to.
- I trust people not to peek.
- I personally don’t care even if people do peek.
We have @dstufft advocating for STARS, but then we have @cjerdonek advocating for IRV. It seems it comes down to whether you prefer the winner to make the most people happy or the least people grumpy (i.e. do you maximize for cheering crowd or shoulder shrugs ). There doesn’t seem to be a swell of support for STARS so I say that unless more folks come forward advocating for a voting system change we stick with what is already in the PEP and go with IRV.
Here’s a quick stab (assuming IRV and no encryption).
Please rank every choice starting at 1 and ending at 6 by entering your rankings between the square brackets
(e.g. `[1]`, with 1 being your most preferred choice and 6 being your least preferred).
You may run `XXX` against your ballot to verify it has been filled in appropriately.
[] PEP 8010: The BDFL Governance Model (Warsaw)
[] PEP 8011: Python Governance Model Lead by Trio of Pythonistas (Wijaya, Warsaw)
[] PEP 8012: The Community Governance Model (Langa)
[] PEP 8013: The External Council Governance Model (Dower)
[] PEP 8014: The Commons Governance Model (Jansen)
[] PEP 8015: Organization of the Python community (Stinner)