Problem with if statement

Hello all,

I just started recently to discover python, After hours of video on youtube en different books.

I came up a idea to make a simple game. I want a higher lower guessing game.

Ask the player if the next number higher or lower. So the player will answer “higher” or “lower”.

But how can i convert the answer that it will check if its correct to the next number.

This is the code i have now. But i cant complete the if statement.

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If I understand correctly, the computer randomly chooses numbers and the player should guess whether the next number is going to be higher or lower than the current one, right?

You could do something like this:

import random

def play():
    print("Welcome by the higher lower game!")
    next_number = random.randint(1, 100)
    while True:
        current_number = next_number
        next_number = random.randint(1, 100)
        print("This is the current number:", current_number)
        player_answer = input("Will the next number be higher or lower? Answer here: ")
        if not player_answer:
        elif (player_answer == "higher" and next_number >= current_number or
            player_answer == "lower" and next_number <= current_number):
            print("Well done!")

If I misunderstood the game and it is the classical programming exercise where one number is chosen randomly and the player should guess it using indications that it is lower or higher than each guess, then this might do the trick:

import random

def play2():
    print("Welcome by the higher lower game 2!")
    answer = random.randint(1, 100)
    print("I have chosen a number between 1 and 100. Try to guess it!")
    tries = 0
    while True:
        guess = int(input("Enter number: "))
        tries += 1
        if guess < answer:
        elif guess > answer:
            print(f"Congratulations! You guessed my number in {tries} tries.")

Note the use of the break statement – see 4. More Control Flow Tools — Python 3.9.1 documentation.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks for your help. You did understand it right.

The computer select randomly a number.

I think that the first code you type the right way is. But how i have to define (while True)?

Wat statement has to be true at this way?

Yeah, while True: can be a bit confusing at first. The expression that has to be true for the loop to continue is… well, True, which means that the loop continues forever. Unless you break it.

You could write it like this instead:

import random

def play():
    print("Welcome by the higher lower game!")
    next_number = random.randint(1, 100)
    continue_game = True
    while continue_game:
        current_number = next_number
        next_number = random.randint(1, 100)
        print("This is the current number:", current_number)
        player_answer = input("Will the next number be higher or lower? Answer here: ")
        if not player_answer:
            continue_game = False
        elif (player_answer == "higher" and next_number >= current_number or
            player_answer == "lower" and next_number <= current_number):
            print("Well done!")

The idea is that we always want to enter the while loop at least once. The flow of a while is this:

Test that the condition is true
If it is, execute the block
Test again that the condition is true
If it is, execute the block
When it becomes false, move forward.

Some other languages have a do { ... } while ... statement that starts by executing the block once and only then test the condition.

Execute the block.
Test the condition.
If it is true, execute the block again.
When the condition becomes false, move forward.

Python doesn’t have this. The approach taken is different. You make a while loop that has True as a condition. It runs indefinitely, until you use the break statement to move out of it. Is that clear?

I understand your vision and the think about. But somehow i keep getting errors.

import random
def play():
print(“Welcome by the higher lower game!”)

next_number = random.randint(1, 100)

continue_game = True

while continue_game:
    current_number = next_number
    next_number = random.randit(1, 100)
    print("This is the current number:", current_number)
    player_answer = input("Will the next number be higher or lower? Answer here: ")
    if not player_answer:
        print("Bye, next time better!")
        continue_game = False
    elif (player_answer == "higher" and next_number >= current_number or
          player_answer == "lower" and next_number <= current_number):
        print("Well done, next level!")

can you somehow explain me now how the terminal nothing print?

again thanks for the help/ i appreciate the help. i just started to understand python. i have some pragrammer experience with PLC’s. but this is a differtent kind.

This is a common form when you can’t know the condition ahead of the

In your situation you’re doing something until a particular situation
occurs. So the logic often reads “forever, do something and stop on
success”. “forever” is often written “white True:”, because that
condition (“True”) is always true and so the loop runs forever unless
you take an extra action to leave the loop.

So you will see things like this:

while True:
    n = int(input("give me a number, enter 0 to exit the loop"))
    if n == 0:
        # leave the loop
    ... do something with n ...

which would ask for a number forever until the user enters “0”. The
other way to write this loop might look like this:

terminated = False
while not terminated:
    n = int(input("give me a number, enter 0 to exit the loop"))
    terminated = n == 0
    if not terminated:
      ... do something with n ...

Before the loop, although we have never tested the value of “n”, we can
pretend that it was not the loop termination value. Then enter the loop.

Cameron Simpson

what exactly mean you Cameron?

The cpu has to choose randomly a number before the answer of the player.and the cpu has to check if the number higher or lower than the first number. and so on.

if i understand you correctly is you code the right way to go for it if i want that.

is it possible what i want?

  1. welcome at the game. (cpu shows a randomly number between 1 -100)
  2. cpu choose a next number randomly( in secret.)
  3. players gives answer
  4. cpu check if the secret number higer or lower is than the first number.
  5. cpu check if the answer correct(then next level)
  6. if it wrong start again.

what exactly mean you Cameron?
The cpu has to choose randomly a number before the answer of the
player.and the cpu has to check if the number higher or lower than the
first number. and so on.

if i understand you correctly is you code the right way to go for it if i want that.

is it possible what i want?

  1. welcome at the game. (cpu shows a randomly number between 1 -100)

This above happens before the loop.

This stuff below happens inside the loop:

  1. cpu choose a next number randomly( in secret.)
  2. players gives answer
  3. cpu check if the secret number higer or lower is than the first number.
  4. cpu check if the answer correct(then next level)
  5. if it wrong start again.

If 2 through 5 are inside the loop, 6 is implicitly done by hitting the
bottom of the loop. To do “not 6 (answer correct)”, you break out of the


while True:
    5 correct = (test the answer here)
    6 if correct: break

Cameron Simpson

Cameron is totally right, this while True: idiom achieves the flow you desire.

The program prints nothing? Or errors out? How are you running it?

/Users/KevinvanderMark/PycharmProjects/game/venv/bin/python /Users/KevinvanderMark/PycharmProjects/game/

Process finished with exit code 0

this is the message i receive.
and this is the code.

import random
def play():
print(“Welcome by the higher lower game!”)

next_number = random.randint(1, 100)

continue_game = True

while continue_game:
    current_number = next_number
    next_number = random.randint(1, 100)
    print("This is the current number:", current_number)
    player_answer = input("Will the next number be higher or lower? Answer here: ")
    if not player_answer:
        print("Bye, next time better!")
        continue_game = False
    elif (player_answer == "higher" and next_number >= current_number or
          player_answer == "lower" and next_number <= current_number):
        print("Well done, next level!")

Did you call the function?

>>> play()

uhm no i dont think so.

what is the best way to do that?

As I wrote: in your shell, type play().

I wrapped my code in a function without realizing you didn’t know about these, sorry. If you don’t want them, flatten it.

import random

print("Welcome by the higher lower game!")

next_number = random.randint(1, 100)

continue_game = True

while continue_game:
    current_number = next_number
    next_number = random.randint(1, 100)
    print("This is the current number:", current_number)
    player_answer = input("Will the next number be higher or lower? Answer here: ")
    if not player_answer:
        print("Bye, next time better!")
        continue_game = False
    elif (player_answer == "higher" and next_number >= current_number or
          player_answer == "lower" and next_number <= current_number):
        print("Well done, next level!")

And you won’t need play(), the code will execute directly.