Probleme radiobutton

quand je selectionne un rabiobutton les 2 sont afficher dans mon excel quand il doit en navoir un par client,aidez moi je suis vraiment decourager jai meme payer chatgpt pro et il maide pas,il ne comprend rien il analyse pas mon code il fou la marde
jai esseyer les definition,les variables,les IntVar,stringVar rien ne marche

aidez moi svp

Correct, ChatGPT cannot do that at all.

We can only possibly help with code, if we actually see the relevant code. Otherwise we have no way to tell what has been done wrong. But we also need much more information. Right now you are talking about radio buttons and Excel; I can’t see how that has anything to do with writing Python code yet.

Do you mean that you are using Tkinter to create a GUI? When explaining a problem, it’s important to start from the beginning.