PSF Board Election & Proposed Bylaws Changes Results Announcement

The results of the 2024 PSF Board election are in :partying_face:

Congratulations to our three new Board members who have been elected!

  • Tania Allard
  • KwonHan Bae
  • Cristián Maureira-Fredes

Proposed PSF Bylaw Changes

All three of the proposed PSF Bylaw changes are approved:

We appreciate the high level of engagement on the proposed Bylaw changes, and the range of perspectives and points that were raised. We hope that our efforts towards increased transparency, such as the Office Hour session, and our responses in the FAQ helped to continue to build trust with the community. Our goal with these changes continues to be:

  • Making it simpler to qualify as a Member for Python-related volunteer work
  • Making it easier to vote
  • Allowing the Board more options to keep our membership safe and enforce the Code of Conduct

This announcement serves as notice that the Bylaws changes have been approved by the membership, and will automatically go into effect 15 days from now, on Thursday, August 1st, 2024.

Check out the full announcement on the PSF Blog:


Is it possible to give the yes/no counts for each of the three changes?

I would also expect the approval counts of all board candidates (elected or not), though it may be more delicate as it pertains to individuals.

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If you voted, you received an email with a link to the results. The end of the post also provides a link to the results.

If you’re interested in the complete tally, make sure to check the Python Software Foundation Board of Directors Election 2024 Results page. These results will be available until 10 Sep 2024 at 10:00 AM EDT.

It looks like fairly detailed info is available there.


So that others don’t have to click through the link, temporarily add yet another random polling site to their NoScript whitelist, cross-reference which ballot measure was which, and do the math:

Bylaws change 1 (merger of Contributing and Managing member classes): 94.2% yes (603 total votes)
Bylaws change 2 (treating past voting activity as intent to continue voting): 93.2% yes (602 total votes)
Bylaws change 3 (empowering the Board to remove Fellows for CoC violations by majority vote): 81.3% yes (605 total votes)

As for the board nominees, congratulations. I admit I don’t recognize any of their names; of the other candidates I recognize only one name, and would have voted against were I a PSF member (which of course I have no interest in being now).


Congratulations to the new board members! I’m happy you were elected and trust you will serve us well with the incumbent board members.

And thank you to all the other candidates for running, there were many excellent candidates and it was genuinely very difficult to decide who to vote for. Please keep up the good work in your local (and global!) communities and do consider running again.

Also good to see the bylaw changes were passed with such overwhelming support, making it clear this what the membership want. (No Brexity 52%/48% divisions here!)


I don’t think I received the email (not yet perhaps?), but the link you gave works for me. Thank you!

The email would have come from OpaVote Results ( with the subject line “Python Software Foundation Board of Directors Election 2024”

I received mine on July 16th.