PSF Grants: Program & Charter Updates

Hi, folks :wave::wave:

Posting today to share news about updates and upcoming changes to the PSF’s Grant Program. There’s a ton of information and context around the news, so if you want the short and sweet version, check out the TLDR post.

The full-length blog posts cover:

If you want further context on the evolution and improvements to the PSF Grants Program over the past year, check out the following blog posts:

To help the community understand the changes and ensure we keep our two-way communication strong, we are going to hold two supplementary PSF Grants Program Office Hours on the PSF Discord. The office hours will be at varying times through January and February on top of our regularly scheduled office hours:

  • January 7th, 4PM Eastern, 9PM UTC (supplementary)
  • January 21st, 9AM Eastern, 1PM UTC (regular)
  • February 4th, 4PM Eastern, 9PM UTC (supplementary)
  • February 18th, 9AM Eastern, 1PM UTC (regular)

You are of course welcome to comment with your feedback on this thread! Additionally, we welcome you to join the PSF Board Office Hours on the PSF Discord in the upcoming months to discuss these changes. You are also welcome to email to contact the PSF Board, or to reach the Staff who administer the PSF Grants program.