Putting a code in Def/Main structure

I want to put this code in a Def/Main structure.
Can anybody assist me ?

from netmiko import Netmiko

with open('addresses.txt') as f1:
    file1 =f1.read().splitlines()  
with open('commands.txt') as f2:
    file2 =f2.read().splitlines()

for ip in file1:
    device = {'device_type':'cisco_ios',
    with open(ip + '_output.txt', 'a') as file3:
        ssh = Netmiko(**device)
        for cmd in file2:
            output = ssh.send_command(cmd)
            print(output, file=file3)
def session1()

if __name__ == "__main__":

You mean you want the code to be in the session1 function?

def session1():
      print(ā€˜code goes hereā€™)

Is the above what you are looking for?

Iā€™m asking if there are guidelines or best practices of where python components belong in the def/if-main structure.
Components such as: classes, methods, functions, objects, with/open/as, for/in, if/else.

In the above code, I tried some combinations putting the open/as within the def and within the if/main. I tried the same with the for/inā€¦ all worked fineā€¦
So, Iā€™m wondering if there are best practices for it.

In the first place, you donā€™t even need an ā€œif name is mainā€ structure unless this is simultaneously a script and a module for other programs to use. Otherwise, just donā€™t bother. For the vast majority of Python programs, this simply isnā€™t a consideration.

But even if you do, it depends on the program itself as to what goes in there. Some put all the main code into def main(): and then just have if __name__ == '__main__': main() at the bottom; others pass sys.argv to the main function so that external callers can change the args; still others do all of the argument parsing at top-level and then call individual functions for actual tasks, which is usually best for testing, but not as easy if you need to replicate its behaviour elsewhere.

Thereā€™s no single ā€œbest practiceā€ here. Do whateverā€™s right for your program, and donā€™t feel like you have to follow other peopleā€™s guidelines.

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Well, I wonā€™t bother myself as I do straightforward stuff.

Sounds good! Python is GREAT at letting you do simple things without boilerplate. A typical Java app requires two levels of indentation before you can even begin to write code; Python just starts you straight off with your code.

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