This topic is meant for announcing meetups in Germany related to Python.
Postings can include generic links to meetup pages or specific meetings.
This topic is meant for announcing meetups in Germany related to Python.
Postings can include generic links to meetup pages or specific meetings.
A regular meeting in duesseldorf
Monthly meeting in Leipzig with virtual option
Python Spring Sprint / Hackathon in Düsseldorf - Weekend 09/10.03.
The Python Meeting Düsseldorf is organizing a Python sprint next weekend. If you happen to be in the area, feel free to join in. Please register on Meetup.
PyCamp Leipzig
Python BarCamp June 15 and 16, 2024 in Leipzig
Python Meeting Düsseldorf - Wednesday, April 17 2024
The Python Meeting Düsseldorf is having it’s quarterly meeting in Düsseldorf, Germany, with four interesting talks. If you happen to be in the area, feel free to join in. For more information and registration, please check out Meetup event page.
Quarterly meeting of the Python User Group Cologne: PyCologne
Join our kickoff event this July!
Pythonistas Regensburg
A Python User Group for Regensburg and the Oberpfalz region.
PyBodensee is a Python User Group in Bodensee (Lake Constance) Region. We meet on First Monday of each monthy where we discuss beginners, intermediate and advance Python topics. More information on PyBodensee .
Feel free to join, if you are in Bodensee region.