Python packaging documentation feedback and discussion

That’s a totally valid question, and you’re certainly not the first person to ask it. In fact, it was discussed at some length in the recent thread:

It seems you’ve already read The Packaging Flow document but it’s still not entirely clear, so I’ll try to briefly fill in the gaps.

In Python-specific packaging, “building” most specifically refers to the process that uses the project’s chosen build backend (like setuptools, hatchling, flit-core, poetry-core, etc) that takes a source artifact (typically a source distribution/sdist, or a project source tree, VCS checkout, tarball, etc) as input, and produces a built artifact (typically a wheel) that can be installed on a compatible platform by essentially just unpacking an archive and moving files into place, without needing the build backend or build dependencies installed and without having to execute any dynamic code.

Even with a pure Python project where you don’t need to compile C code to a binary executable, there’s still some work to do to get from a sdist/source tree to a built wheel that can simply be unpacked and moved into place (or, in some albeit unsupported, cases, imported and used directly), with the amount depending on the complexity of the project and the build backend. I list some of them here:

Additionally, “build” is sometimes also used (perhaps less precisely and more oxymoronically) in the context of “building” an sdist from a source tree, which typically involves a more limited set of steps to collect the source files into an archive, generate preliminary metadata and perhaps do some other preprocessing, depending on the backend and user custom configuration. However, given the obvious confusion, I’ve moved away from using that term in this context, and preferred terminology that is clearer, more specific and less potentially confusing (e.g. “generating” a sdist, “constructing” a sdist, etc).

By analogy, if you’re familiar with the typical workflow on *nix, source tree → sdist is loosely analogous to configure, sdist → wheel like make, and wheel → installed project like make install. Or using the old-style implicit workflow, the build step is when your dynamic would be executed to run the appropriate code within.