Question related to C++ and marshal


I wanted to know if you have a idea about how I could import Python bindings in C++ to do something like

import compile, marshal

xyz = compile(code)

then get the result so I could write it to a new file.


I got the marshal output apparently with:

static PyObject* compile_and_marshal(const char* text, const char* filename)
    PyObject* code = Py_CompileStringExFlags(text, filename, Py_file_input, NULL, 0);
    PyObject* marshalled = PyMarshal_WriteObjectToString(code, Py_MARSHAL_VERSION);
    if (marshalled == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    return marshalled;

static char* get_varname(const char* name, const char* prefix)
    size_t n = strlen(prefix);
    char* varname = (char*)malloc(strlen(name) + n + 1);
    (void)strcpy(varname, prefix);
    for (size_t i = 0; name[i] != '\0'; i++) {
        if (name[i] == '.') {
            varname[n++] = '_';
        else {
            varname[n++] = name[i];
    varname[n] = '\0';
    return varname;

static void write_code(FILE* outfile, PyObject* marshalled, const char* varname)
    unsigned char* data = (unsigned char*)PyBytes_AS_STRING(marshalled);
    size_t data_size = PyBytes_GET_SIZE(marshalled);

    fprintf(outfile, "const unsigned char %s[] = {\n", varname);
    for (size_t n = 0; n < data_size; n += 16) {
        size_t i, end = Py_MIN(n + 16, data_size);
        fprintf(outfile, "    ");
        for (i = n; i < end; i++) {
            fprintf(outfile, "%u,", (unsigned int)data[i]);
        fprintf(outfile, "\n");
    fprintf(outfile, "};\n");

static int write_frozen(const char* outpath, const char* inpath, const char* name,
    PyObject* marshalled)
    FILE* outfile = fopen(outpath, "w");
    if (outfile == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "cannot open '%s' for writing\n", outpath);
        return -1;

    fprintf(outfile, "%s\n", "/*HellWorld*/");
    char* arrayname = get_varname(name, "_Py_M__");
    write_code(outfile, marshalled, arrayname);

    if (ferror(outfile)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "error when writing to '%s'\n", outpath);
        return -1;
    return 0;

And in my main function:

PyObject* marshalled = compile_and_marshal(templateOutput.c_str(), "test.txt");
write_frozen("marshaled.txt", "marshaled.txt", "marshaled", marshalled);

But I still miss how to convert it to integrate it to a python script using marshall.loads(<arg>)