Hello dear pythonians ,
I have an excel file which containers qr code each in separate line ( see photo attached)
I need to do some processing to extract the data from these QR codes then write the results in another excel file which container the final data after processing.
I have written most of the code except the final stage( write and append to final excel file) where I got stuck
Here is the code
import pandas as pd
import openpyxl
import tlv8
import base64
#create new excel file with header for final output
df = pd.DataFrame(
columns=["Seller Name","Vat Number","Invoice Date","Total Amount","Vat Amount"])
# load excel containing qr code with its path for reading
wrkbk = openpyxl.load_workbook("G:\\qr.xlsx")
sh = wrkbk.active
# iterate through QR code excel file to input the data for processing
for row in sh.iter_rows():
for cell in row:
rawByte = base64.b64decode(base64QR)
str1 = rawByte.decode('UTF-8')
structure1 = {
1: tlv8.DataType.STRING,
2: tlv8.DataType.STRING,
3: tlv8.DataType.STRING,
4: tlv8.DataType.STRING,
5: tlv8.DataType.STRING
final_output = tlv8.decode(rawByte, structure1)
Data_List = [entry.data for entry in final_output]
final_list = []
for ele in Data_List:
print(final_list) # final output is a list
# final output looks like below :
# ['Arnon Plastic Industries Co. Ltd.', '300498609900003', '2023-02-14', 4600.0, 600.0]
My question is :–
I want to loop over all QR codes and append data in a new excel file which contain the header details I already wrote at the beginning.
Here is an example of QR code for testing :–