Root in function call (Tkinter)

Do I call a root (“okno”) to function call? I would understand the following code excerpt that I have three values, which I am sending to positional arguments of the function. So okno goes via parent to the value of master attribute in ttk.Frame. Thus when later on I create ttk.Frame it is placed on its master okno.

def vytvori_segment(parent, text_znacky, text_tlacitka):
	ram = ttk.Frame(master = parent)

	ram.rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
	ram.columnconfigure((0,1,2), weight = 1, uniform = "a")

	ttk.Label(master = ram, text = text_znacky).grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nsew")
	ttk.Button(master = ram, text = text_tlacitka).grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = "nsew")

	return ram
okno = tk.Tk()
okno.title("Kombinace OOP a funkčního programování")

vytvori_segment(okno, "Značka", "Tlačítko").pack(expand = True, fill = "both", padx = 5, pady =2)
vytvori_segment(okno, "Značka 1", "Tlačítko 1").pack(expand = True, fill = "both", padx = 5, pady =2)

Or maybe if I consider what “placeholder = placeholder” means in the function call, I conclude that I am not calling okno variable from the function call because “master = okno” or just “okno” would be understood as a keyword parameter, not an attribute with a value. Is that right?

And continue my thinking. If okno = tk.Tk() produces an object (<class 'tkinter.Tk'>). Than okno in function call takes this object, because its parsed after the creation of that object. The function call than send the object as the value of ttk.Frame master. Thus ttk.Frame “knows” it will be created on tk.Tk().