RSVP: CPython core dev sprint

Hi everyone,

I am helping to co-organize together with the PSF the CPython core developer sprint that will take place in London from the 9th to the 13th of September.

If you want to attend the core developer sprint, please, self nominate yourself by filling this form:

You need to fill the form even if you don’t need PSF support for the travel and accommodation so we can successfully prepare for adequate meeting space and catering. After we have received all responses, @ewa.jodlowska will reach out to you individually with additional information for booking rooms and getting travel reimbursed if you requested it.

Please, fill the form before June 14th.

Here you can find some information regarding the venue:

3 Queen Victoria St
Google Maps:

The support for travelling and the accommodation will be provided by the PSF and the money raised by Pylondinium (

If you have any questions, requirements or suggestions or you need any support, please, contact me ( or @ewa.jodlowska (

Thank you very much and I hope to see you in London!


Also, thank you @ewa.jodlowska for all the help and work organizing this!! :snake::heart::snake:


Just a reminder everyone:

June 14th is the deadline to respond to Pablo’s RSVP form. For those needing assistance with hotel, be sure to fill out the form by the deadline otherwise we may not book enough hotel rooms.

Quick question: are the sprints still happening? I filled out the form way back (fairly sure I did it before the deadline), and I’m not sure whether I should have heard anything back, or whether I can just turn up. Are there more details available on the hotel that’s being used?


That’s a @pablogsal/@ewa.jodlowska question.

Hi @mdickinson,

You were registered in the form so you can attend the sprint. I will send an email soon with more information on what to do on the first day and other related procedures but the venue is at:

3 Queen Victoria St
Google Maps:

Regarding the hotel, you mentioned in the form that you did not needed hotel or transportation, so I assume that is why you have not heard back from @ewa.jodlowska or me regarding the hotel. Can you write us an email with all the information you need regarding hotel and other stuff?

Thanks and sorry for any confusion!

Excellent! Many thanks, @pablogsal . And yes, I wasn’t asking for financial assistance from the PSF with hotel or transport; I was just curious if there was an official hotel being used so that I could look at booking that. :slight_smile:

Thanks again!

Just to triple check that those that should hear from me, heard from me:

Folks that requested hotel room assistance should have received an email from me. If you didn’t, please let me know. Those asking for travel reimbursements should see email subject " Python Core Dev Sprint in London - Transportation Reimbursement Information" sent around June 25th. If anyone has any questions about those details, don’t hesitate to reach out:

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Everyone that is attending the sprint: I have sent out an email with some information. Tell me if you have not received it so I can send it to you again :slight_smile:

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FWIW, I believe the PSF (well, Ewa :)) put people in the “Premier Inn London Bank (Tower)” (not “Premier Inn London Tower Bridge”, which is on the other side of the Tower Bridge), and that’s also where I booked. I also know at least two people are staying at the Club Quarters Hotel on Gracechurch, which is a 5 minute walk from there. They’re both about a ten minute walk to the Bloomberg office.

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I hope everyone enjoyed their time in London and had a productive week of sprinting!

Just a reminder that if you have receipts to send me for reimbursements, please do so by tomorrow.

If you have any comments, feedback, and/or questions, don’t hesitate to email me.