Running a library module from the command line

(Python beginner here) I created an application called myPackage and it was working fine on Python2.X. I used to run it like this:

While located in /users/username/myPackage

I did:

python -m myPackage ... (other arguments)

This used to work in Python2.X, but now I just installed python3.10 and I get

no module name myPackage

What should I do? If I run this from /users/username/ it works, but I am wondering if there are any “best practices” or if there is another way to get this to work from /users/username/myPackage like it used to.

With 3.10.9 on Windows, I just ran py -3.10 -m X in directory …/X. X has, which is needed for -m to work with package directory. I don’t know why you get a different result. Did disappear? Does it have a 3.x syntax error?

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The behaviour of Python 2 nd Python 3 are basicly the same for the -m

I keep my personal code in its own area; for me that’s
/Users/cameron/lib/python so for, say, my cs.myke package it lives
in /Users/cameron/lib/python/cs/myke/.... Then my $PYTHONPATH
envoronment variable has /Users/cameron/lib/python in it. With that
environment variable I can go:

 python -m cs.myke ......

from anywhere.

Cameron Simpson

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Excellent, thank you! This is exactly what I needed.