Seeking review of gh-55454: Add IMAP4 IDLE support to imaplib

Hi, all.

Back in July, I found that there was interest in bringing my IMAP IDLE implementation into imaplib, and a core developer encouraged me to submit a pull request. Here it is:

Could someone find time to review it?

Earlier discussion here:


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Thank you for the review, @mcepl.

This PR is now awaiting core review. Any takers? :slight_smile:

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Two regular reviews done, but finding a core reviewer is turning out to be something of a challenge.

If a core developer here can spare a little time to move this forward, it would be most welcome.

(Someone did assign themselves to it a couple months ago, but they haven’t responded to my recent ping; I guess they must have become too busy.)

7 posts were split to a new topic: Nobody cares about imaplib

Folks, can this side discussion be moved to a separate thread, please?


Thank you.