Semantic line breaks

Since this topic is pretty important to me, due to huge the amount of time, stress, cognitive load and sub-optimal content-relevant choices its saved me over the years in docs/website/etc repos that switched to OSPL, and the amount of the same it costs me every day as a PEP writer and editor with those that don’t, I’d been intending to cogently outline the detailed case for it (at least in the context of the PEPs repo) once I’d established more credibility as a PEP editor and in the community. Unfortunately, though I should have known better and refrained from mentioning it until ready to do so, it seems my OT aside let the cat out of the bag, and on a day when we were dealing with a severe weather situation too.

In any case, I’ve created a related thread with a detailed proposal for OSPL, at least nominally scoped to the PEPs repo initially, which also contains a section that addresses some of the merits and practical difficulties with what appears to be the nominal proposal here, to use SemBr instead. I welcome your feedback over there, and can address points relevant to SemBr over here as well. Thanks!

EDIT: Just to clarify, my position on SemBr is that it is generally an improvement over “dumb” hard wrapping, especially for reST where it is a semi- or completely manual process anyway, and it could make more sense for projects like the CPython documentation, in terms of being practically easier to adopt incrementally and non-strictly-enforced on existing, gradually-updated content that currently uses hard breaks, despite the practical downsides I highlight versus OSPL.

However, the case for OSPL is much stronger particularly for repos like the PEPs, where:

  • The benefits of OSPL are more acute (given the high, concentrated amount of rewriting, editing and review during the PEPs’ pre-draft and draft stage)
  • The difficulties in understanding, teaching and consistently enforcing SemBr come to the fore (since many authors are first-timers or don’t write PEPs regularly, versus a contributor base experianced in technical English writing)
  • The adoption issues are mostly moot (existing non-Draft PEPs stay are rarely edited and stay as they are, new PEPs can adopt it and Draft PEPs can if their authors choose to).

Also, this opens up the opportunity to trial it there, and then expand to others if successful and incorporating any lessons learned.