- The SC can be emailed questions or emailed to schedule office hours (we’re already aware that Google broke the calendar - the next SC will pick a new system).
- The PSF board has office hours as well as just email the PSF.
- Read Brett’s blog post explaining the Conduct WG - If you email the conduct-WG as outlined in the CoC you can ask specific questions.
Understand that all of those are demands for time from high latency organizations (assume a month or more at times). Critically they don’t owe most anyone specific answers or time but I trust them to do their best to address what makes sense for the community as a whole (for example: public posts clearing up who does what and how decisions are made and why). So please I urge everyone here to ask yourself what you really want, and only to pose questions of any such groups in good faith as a matter of respect for their time.
For me personally, the high % of toxicity in this public “anyone can post” moths-to-a-flame PSF category section our forums means I now generally refuse to engage in any thread in this channel. The number of bad faith actors attempting to claim they’re owed a bunch of volunteer time or a response which they’re already unwilling to accept and generally have been covered elsewhere ad nauseam in various threads across the forums is sadly high. (ex of “covered elsewhere”: most recently rehashed in the Committers forum in a thread that has repeatedly been pulled off topic)
(edited to fix typos)