Should pip install --user install in a venv install to the global user path?

I started wondering this when replying to pypa/pip#7438. The current behaviour is:

$ pip install ...                # A: installs to global, system path
$ pip install --user ...         # B: installs to global, user path
(venv) $ pip install ...         # C: installs to venv
(venv) $ pip install --user ...  # D: installs to global, user path

Scenario D feels quite weird to me; I’d expect it to install to my venv.

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Scenario D feels quite weird to me; I’d expect it to install to my venv.

For me the current behaviour feels the sane path :thinking: User is a specifier of the site package location, so should install into there. I’d be ok for pip to refuse to do the install though under that circumstance.

That’s a bug that’s been fixed on master.

This was brought up over an year ago on the issue tracker, and seems to have been the behavior since PEP 405 (venv module) was rolled out.

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I would expect (venv) $ pip install --user to fail with an error message. Virtual environment were not a thing when I wrote PEP 370 about 12 years ago. Otherwise I would have specified that the --user option does not make any sense from within a virtual environment.

PEP 405 specifies that a user site directory is considered a global site-package directory. By default packages installed with (venv) $ pip install --user are not available from the virtual environment.

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It will (in pip 20.1). The confusion here is that there was a long-standing bug that meant that only happened for virtualenv-based environments, and not for venv-based ones. That has now been fixed, but the fix isn’t yet in a released version of pip.