(Posted personally and not for the SC, but for the record I am a sitting SC member and do intend to run again myself.)
People may not have noticed, but PEP 8105 (2024 Term Steering Council election) has been submitted. The release of Python 3.12 triggered new Steering Council elections, and nominations are open for the next ~2 weeks.
As described in PEP 13 (Python Language Governance), nominations can be made by any Core Developer, but nominees do not have to be Core Developers. If you’re interested in running for the SC but want to know more about what it entails, feel free to ask here or in private. (I genuinely do not know what people would want to know about it.)
Nomination posts should be made in the Steering Council Nominations Discourse category. (For an example of what nominations usually look like, see PEPs 8101, 8102, 8103 and 8104, which contains links to the old nomination posts.)
Nominations close November 13, 2023 (AoE) November 22, 2023 (AoE) (edit, Ee Durbin).