Steering Council Updates for August 2024
- Conclusion of the Code of Conduct violation
- Discussion on PEP 667 - Consistent views of namespaces semantic changes
- Deliberation of the decision regarding the Code of Conduct violation
- Discussion on how to make the Steering Council more effective by suggesting a different body parallel with the Steering Council to deal with social matters
- Highlight on the need to make clarification on the following different bodies: Code of Conduct Working Group, Steering Council and Python Software Foundation
- Discussion on the resignation of a Core Python Developer
- Mentoring survey: still to be released
- Discussion on PEP 741 - Python Configuration C API
- Discussion on PEP 741 - Python Configuration C API
- Discussion on having overlapping Steering Council terms for continuity’s sake
- Discussion on mentorship, its role and how the Steering Council can improve mentorship for some at-risk packages/libraries
- Cleared out pending tasks and re-evaluated the priority tasks
- Accepted PEP 741 - Python Configuration C API
- Tabled discussion of PEP 12 – Sample reStructuredText PEP Template changes (regrouping rejection rationale, and adding a discussion of publishing new modules to PyPI) for the Core Dev sprint
- Discussion on publishing to PyPI, specifically:
- Getting approval
- Process or flow of release
- Re-review of PEP 667 - Consistent views of namespaces
- Discussion on more explicit authority for the Release Manager’s role going forward
- Highlight on the ongoing PEP 13 – Python Language Governance discussion on potential changes
- Discussion on whether there should be a PEP for PyREPL
- Discussion on how to know when something needs a PEP or not and update PEP 2 – Procedure for Adding New Modules
Poster’s notes:
Per this earlier poll we’re now posting our updates in the Core Development channel.
We received feedback that the updates so far have been rather terse (yep). We’re aiming for more text in the future updates. September and October updates are written (thanks Velda!) the rest of us got blocked on time availability to deal with review and any final edits. Expect PRs for those in our steering-council github repo where soon.