Straw poll: Which governance proposals do you like best?

Thanks, I found this really helpful! So it sounds like the basic breakdown of authority for these PEPs are:

  • 8010: The GUIDO has a general authority to pronounce on any topic, technical or non-technical, except for changes to the governance PEP itself (ref). Underlying idea: the GUIDO is as close to a BDFL as you can get while keeping ultimate authority in the community.
  • 8011: The Trio has a general authority to pronounce on PEPs, but any other matters that might come up require a whole-core-team vote (ref). Underlying idea: the Trio’s job is to provide a consistent technical vision.
  • 8016: The Steering council has a general authority to pronounce on any topic, technical or non-technical, except that changes to the governance PEP or changes to the core team follow specific enumerated rules (ref). Underlying idea: the steering council’s authority derives its authority from the governance PEP + the core team, and is accountable to them, so it can’t change those.

We could add more to this list, but I need to run off to dinner :-).

@barry @mariatta Would you be OK with tweaking your PEPs to clarify the above? I definitely did not realize that 8010 and 8011 differed like this just from reading them…

In retrospect this topic probably should have been split into like, 3-4 different topics. I think this is largely my fault for the giant consolidated responses. I’ll try to do better next time…

I’ve said this a few times already, but the part I find most confusing is that the PEP seems to contradict itself. You seem to be under the impression that the Conduct Workgroup is a group that enforces the PSF code of conduct. But according to the charter pasted into your PEP, that’s not part of their mandate at all. It only covers things like “advise on policies”, “create supporting documents”, “develop training materials”… i.e. they figure out what the CoC should be, and then someone else enforces it. Their charter simply does not include enforcing the CoC, reviewing any individual cases, banning anyone, etc.

It’s like if you saw someone break the law, and went looking for the nearest member of parliament to pull out handcuffs and arrest them. Just because someone makes the laws doesn’t mean they’re set up to enforce them :-).

A lot of why PEP 8016 leaves “figure out how to deal with CoC stuff” as a thing for the steering council to figure out after it’s created, is that AFAICT there isn’t any existing enforcement setup we can delegate to. I think we’ll need to have some non-trivial conversations between the > ourselves

steering council, the core devs, and the CoC WG to figure out who will do this enforcement and how.

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