Struggling to avoid namespace packages

In trying to simplify a repo which contained three nonoverlapping packages, I find myself stuck with something called a namespace package. It has a __file__ attribute of None:

>>> csvprogs
<module 'csvprogs' (namespace) from ['/Users/skip/miniconda3/envs/python312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/csvprogs']>
>>> csvprogs.__file__

but it has a subpackage named csvprogs which does have a useful __file__ attribute:

>>> import csvprogs.csvprogs
>>> csvprogs.csvprogs.__file__

I don’t want that subpackage csvprogs. I’ve got no packages declaration in pyproject.toml. python -m build seems to be figuring all this out on its own. I’m using setuptools.build_meta as the build backend.

I can’t provide a reliable directory structure at this point either. In trying to reorganize my directory tree, I seem to have git mv’d my way to a f*cked up directory tree as well. If the top level directory of my Git repo is ~/src/csvprogs, what subdirectory should contain the scripts/modules?

Any help would be appreciated.

Well this is probably what’s going wrong…what is the directory structure? setuptools will try to guess what you want but you might need to tell it where your code is.

That’s the problem. Since I last built and installed my stuff, I tried moving things around and messed that up. I can give you the last directory structure from which I installed the package. This is the wheel built by python -m build with some of the Python files elided.

% unzip -t dist/csvprogs-1.1.0-py3-none-any.whl 
Archive:  dist/csvprogs-1.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
    testing: csvprogs/csvprogs/   OK
    testing: csvprogs/csvprogs/   OK
    testing: csvprogs/csvprogs/   OK
    testing: csvprogs/csvprogs/   OK
    testing: csvprogs/csvprogs/   OK
    testing: csvprogs/csvprogs/   OK
    testing: csvprogs/csvprogs/   OK
    testing: csvprogs/csvprogs/   OK
    testing: csvprogs/csvprogs/   OK
    testing: csvprogs/csvprogs/   OK
    testing: csvprogs/tests/   OK
    testing: csvprogs/tests/   OK
    testing: csvprogs/tests/   OK
    testing: csvprogs/tests/   OK
    testing: csvprogs/tests/   OK
    testing: csvprogs-1.1.0.dist-info/LICENSE   OK
    testing: csvprogs-1.1.0.dist-info/METADATA   OK
    testing: csvprogs-1.1.0.dist-info/WHEEL   OK
    testing: csvprogs-1.1.0.dist-info/entry_points.txt   OK
    testing: csvprogs-1.1.0.dist-info/top_level.txt   OK
    testing: csvprogs-1.1.0.dist-info/RECORD   OK

I think I figured it out. The extra level of csvprogs which remained from the older structure was the culprit. It used to be


with corresponding package bits in each of the three subdirectories. I git mv’d the contents of data_filters and mpl into csvprogs but failed to remove the extra directory layer. After building and installing, I now get what I expected:

>>> import csvprogs
>>> dir(csvprogs)
('[args]', '[atr]', '[bars]', '[csv2csv]', '[csv2json]', '[csv2xls]', '[csvcat]', '[csvcollapse]', '[csvfill]', '[csvmerge]', '[csvplot]', '[csvsort]', '[dsplit]', '[ewma]', '[extractcsv]', '[filter]', '[html2csv]', '[hull]', '[interp]', '[keltner]', '[mean]', '[mvavg]', '[regress]', '[roundtime]', '[sharpe]', '[shuffle]', '[sigavg]', '[spline]', '[square]', '[take]', '[xform]', '[xls2csv]', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', '__spec__')
>>> import csvprogs.csvsort
>>> dir(csvprogs)
('[args]', '[atr]', '[bars]', '[csv2csv]', '[csv2json]', '[csv2xls]', '[csvcat]', '[csvcollapse]', '[csvfill]', '[csvmerge]', '[csvplot]', '[dsplit]', '[ewma]', '[extractcsv]', '[filter]', '[html2csv]', '[hull]', '[interp]', '[keltner]', '[mean]', '[mvavg]', '[regress]', '[roundtime]', '[sharpe]', '[shuffle]', '[sigavg]', '[spline]', '[square]', '[take]', '[xform]', '[xls2csv]', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', '__spec__', 'csvsort')
>>> csvprogs.__file__

(The bracketed entries represent modules which have yet to be imported – a personal dir() tweak.)


Yeah I was asking to see what the structure of the problematic installation was. As you discovered: if setuptools sees something that looks like a namespace package it will assume that’s what you wanted to do.

For a standard package it wants to see

- src
  - csvprogs

The additional layer (without an at that level) suggested you were creating a namespace package.