Suggest me better ML model for this code

I’m currently working on a project called Project WATT.WIZARD.This Python script reads energy consumption data from a CSV file, cleans it by handling missing values and outliers, and then analyzes the data to generate a report on usage patterns. It builds a linear regression model to predict future energy consumption based on the time of day and day of the week. The script then forecasts consumption for a user-specified number of future hours and plots both historical and predicted data on a graph, making it easy to visualize trends and predictions.

Here are the main topics covered by the code:

Data Import and Parsing: Reading and preparing time series data from a CSV file. Data Cleaning: Handling missing values and outliers in the energy consumption data. Data Analysis: Generating reports on energy consumption patterns (e.g., highest and lowest usage). Model Building: Creating a linear regression model to predict future energy consumption. Future Consumption Prediction: Forecasting energy usage for specified future hours. Data Visualization: Plotting historical and predicted energy consumption on a graph. Main Execution Flow: Orchestrating the overall process, including user input, data processing, analysis, prediction, and visualization.

I used linear regression as my machine learning model in this case, but the output graph I received showed negative values and an odd graph for future prediction.

What else should I use as my machine learning model?

Let me know why it comes here and how I can solve it.
Here is my code.

import sys
import time
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error, r2_score

def collect_EnergyData(file_path):
        data = pd.read_csv(file_path, parse_dates=['timestamps'])
        data = data.set_index('timestamps')
        return data
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print(f"System Error! The system was unable to locate the file path: {file_path}")
    except pd.errors.EmptyDataError:
        print(f"File Error! This file ({file_path}) is empty!")
    except Exception as expt:
        print(f"Error reading the CSV File: {expt}")
        return None

def clean_data(data):
    if 'consumption' in data.columns:
        data['consumption'] = data['consumption'].clip(lower=0)
        mean_value = data['consumption'].mean()
        data['consumption'] = data['consumption'].fillna(mean_value)

        data.loc[data['consumption'] > 10000, 'consumption'] = mean_value
        Q1 = data['consumption'].quantile(0.25)
        Q3 = data['consumption'].quantile(0.75)
        IQR = Q3 -Q1
        upper_threshold = Q3 + 1.5 * IQR
        data['consumption'] = np.where(data['consumption'] > upper_threshold, mean_value, data['consumption'])
        return data
        print("Column 'consumption' not found in the data. ")
        return data
def analyze_consumption(data):
    hourly_consumption = data['consumption'].resample('h').sum()
    print("\n<< Daily Consumption Report >>")

    max_hourly_consumption = hourly_consumption.max()
    max_hours = hourly_consumption.idxmax()
    print(f"1. Highest Usage is on: {max_hourly_consumption} kWh on {max_hours}")


    min_daily_consumption = hourly_consumption.min()
    min_hours = hourly_consumption.idxmin()
    print(f"2. Lowest Usage is on: {min_daily_consumption} kWh on {min_hours}")


    total_consumption = hourly_consumption.sum()
    print(f"3. Total Consumption of the day: {total_consumption} kWh")


    max_percentage = (max_hourly_consumption / total_consumption) * 100
    print(f"4. Maximum Day Consumption as a percentage of Total: {max_percentage:.3f}%")

def predict_demand(data):

    data['hour'] = data.index.hour
    data['days_of_week'] = data.index.dayofweek
    data['month'] = data.index.month
    data['week_of_year'] = data.index.isocalendar().week

    features = ['hour', 'days_of_week', 'month', 'week_of_year']
    X = data[features]
    y = data['consumption']

    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=130)

    model = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=300,max_depth=20,min_samples_split=2, min_samples_leaf=1, random_state=130), y_train)

    y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
    mse = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)
    mae = mean_absolute_error(y_test, y_pred)
    r2 = r2_score(y_test, y_pred) 
    print(f"5. Mean Squared Error Value is: {mse}")
    print(f"6. Mean Absolute Error Value is: {mae}")
    print(f"7. R Squared Value is: {r2}") 

    return model

def predict_future_consumption(model, cleaned_data):
    last_timestamp = cleaned_data.index[-1]

    while True:
            future_hours = int(input("Please input the number of hours you wish to forecast. The system is ready to calculate your future energy values? "))
            if future_hours <= 0:
                raise ValueError("Number of hours must be a positive value.")
        except ValueError as expt:
            print(f"Invalid input: {expt}. Please enter a positive integer. ")

    future_data = []

    for i in range(1, future_hours + 1):
        next_hour = last_timestamp + pd.Timedelta(hours=i)
            'hour': next_hour.hour,
            'days_of_week': next_hour.dayofweek,
            'month': next_hour.month,
            'week_of_year': next_hour.isocalendar().week 


    future_data = pd.DataFrame(future_data)
    future_data.index = [last_timestamp + pd.Timedelta(hours=i) for i in range(1, future_hours + 1)]

    future_consumption = model.predict(future_data)
    future_consumption = np.clip(future_consumption, a_min=0, a_max=None)

    print("8. Predicted Consumption for next hours: ")
    for time, consumption in zip(future_data.index, future_consumption):
        print(f" {time}: {consumption:.2f} kWh")

    return future_consumption, future_data

def suggest_methods_to_reduce(high_usage_periods):
    print("\n<< Here are some tips to reduce the Higher Values : Suggested by WATT.WIZARD >>")
    print("\nGeneral Tip: When using minimum-usage energy, try to store any extra and use it during peak hours, and make sure that co-workers don't misuse energy.")
    for time in high_usage_periods.index:
        if 00 <= time.hour < 6:
            print(f" {time}: Early in the morning is when you use the most energy. Therefore, you can use the following reduction techniques! ")
            print(" -> Schedule non-essential process for off-peak hours.")
            print(" -> Try to use energy-efficient lighting with motion sensors.")
            print(" -> Optimize HVAC system for minimal nighttime operations.")
        elif 6 <= time.hour < 11:
            print(f" {time}: You consume the most energy in the Morning.Therefore, you can use the following reduction techniques!")
            print(" -> Implement staggered start times for equipment.")
            print(" -> Utilize natural lighting where possible.")
            print(" -> Encourage energy-conscious behavior among early shift workers.")

        elif 11 <= time.hour < 16:
            print(f" {time}: You consume the most energy in the afternoon.Therefore, you can use the following reduction techniques!")
            print(" -> Conduct regular maintenance to ensure equipment efficiency.")
            print(" -> Use smart power strips to reduce phantom energy consumption.")
            print(" -> Optimize production schedules to avoid simultaneous operation of high-energy equipment.")
            print(" -> Utilize natural lighting where possible.")

        elif 16 <= time.hour < 19:
            print(f" {time}: You consume the most energy in the Evening.Therefore, you can use the following reduction techniques!")
            print(" -> Implement demand response strategies during grid peak times.")
            print(" -> Use energy storage systems to offset high demand.")
            print(" -> Encourage telecommuting or flexible hours to reduce facility energy use.")

            print(f" {time}: You consume the most energy in the Night.Therefore, you can use the following reduction techniques!")
            print(" -> Automate shutdown procedures for non-essential equipment.")
            print(" -> Use timer controls for exterior lighting.")
            print(" -> Conduct energy-intensive processes during off-peak hours if possible.")

def plot_consumption(data, future_data, future_consumption):
    plt.figure(figsize=(16, 8))
    plt.plot(data.index, data['consumption'], label='Historical Data')
    plt.plot(future_data.index, future_consumption, 'r-.', label='Predicted Data')
    plt.title('Energy Consumption Graph: Based on Given and the Predicted Values\n Dinalofcl - WATT.WIZARD')
    plt.ylabel('Consumption in kWh')

def main():
    file_path = input("Hello User! Please enter the full path to the CSV file: ")
    raw_data = collect_EnergyData(file_path)

    if raw_data is not None:
        cleaned_data = clean_data(raw_data)


        model = predict_demand(cleaned_data)

        future_consumption, future_data = predict_future_consumption(model, cleaned_data)

        high_usage_threshold = np.percentile(future_consumption, 85)
        high_usage_periods = future_data[future_consumption > high_usage_threshold]

        print("We are creating the graphical user interface. Hold On....", end='', flush=True)
        sys.stdout.write('\r' + ' ' * 60 + '\r')

        plot_consumption(cleaned_data, future_data, future_consumption)

        print("Failed to collect and process data.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

i find it ironic and unfortunately not funny that your approach uses electrical energy in order to present very useful recommendations that are always true regardless what data you enter the calculations.

Linear regression suggests a linear relationship. This is not correct for the hour factor. Energy usage likely peeks somewhere during the day whilst not being active at night. So hour 1 and 23 will have almost 0 energy usage, while hour 12 will have more.

That is quite hard to solve with linear regression.

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So what should I use as my machine learning model??

I would use a statistical model that gives weights to categories. So you have hours 0-23, week_of_year 0-52 (month is redundant) and day_of_week 0-6.
No need to use fancy neural networks or anything. There should be some method in the statistical method book that applies.

It seems you’re dealing with a time-series prediction task where you may expect a rough 24-hour repeating pattern plus (probably) seasonal dependencies. For a general introduction in how to model that, see the little course on Kaggle: Learn Time Series Tutorials | Kaggle.