2023 was an exciting year of growth for the Python Software Foundation! We’ve captured some of the key numbers, details, and information in our latest Annual Impact Report. Some highlights of what you’ll find in the report include:
A letter from our Executive Director, Deb Nicholson
Notes from Our PyCon US Chair, Mariatta Wijaya, and PSF Board of Director Chair, Dawn Wages
Updates on the achievements and activities of a couple of our Developers-in-Residence, Łukasz Langa and Seth Larson—and announcing more members of the DiR team!
An overview of what our PyPI Safety & Security Engineer, Mike Fiedler, has accomplished- as well as some eye-watering PyPI stats!
A celebration and summary of PyCon US 2023, the event’s 20th anniversary, and the theme for 2023’s report cover
A highlight of our Fiscal Sponsorees (we brought on 7 new organizations this year!)
Sponsors who generously supported our work and the Python ecosystem
An overview of PSF Financials, including a consolidated financial statement and grants data
We hope you check out the report, share it with your Python friends, and let us know what you think! You can comment here or find us on social media (Mastodon, X, LinkedIn).
The formatting of 2023 PSF Annual Impact Report | Python.org is poor. It displays everything in a narrow unchangeable 600 pixel wide column. It has been over 35 years since that was a standard screen width. This is about half the width needed for a simulated 8 1/2 inch page in decent resolution. The tiny type in the report can be enlarged, but the box cannot be widened. I did discover that a right click on box displays a context menu that at least on Firefox has a ‘This Frame’ entry that allows extracting the PDF document to a tab/window by itself. Here is the actual report displayed properly (twice as wide).
I don’t see the difference – the two files you link are identical (and look great when viewed in Apple’s Preview app). Unless Marie quickly updated the PSF’s copy to be your version?
The PDFs are identical but on a large screen, the original link is bound to a small portion of the page. With the direct link, you can use all available space, including zooming in if you like a larger font. (Which, personally, I do. But I know not everyone does.)
The first link in my response, a copy of the ‘the report’ link in the original message, is a link to the python.org webpage which has the pdf embedded within. Above the embedding it also has a download link to the pdf, which I did not notice before, and which is the same as the second link in my response. The pdf itself, full size, is quite nice.
This is more of an artifact of how contemporary browsers try to force embedded viewing of PDF documents, rather than an intrinsic problem with the PDF document itself. Long ago I configured my browser to use an external PDF viewer by default, and as a result I typically experience PDF display issues only on abusive sites such as slideshare.
I wanted to ask if there are any plans to publish the report in a more accessible format?
I’d like to link to specific sections of it, and ideally not have people I share it with have to download a 17MB file to see the contents of a slide or two.
Hiya there are no plans to publish the Annual Report in other formats. I’d suggest taking screenshots or using a PDF management tool to grab the pages you want (I use PDF Arranger).
Clearly a lot of effort went into that report so it‘s disappointing there isn’t a more accessible version! I appreciate the suggestion of any options but really it shouldn’t be that much more work to share a Word doc or even HTML with the equivalent content.
Screenshots of text aren’t really an option if the purpose is to make the content more accessible, but yes I might try a PDF manipulation tool.
Thanks for your suggestion, @thibaudcolas. We have indeed worked to make the report more accessible. This feedback type is valuable for keeping us moving in the right direction towards more accessible content.
I will sync with the rest of the team and discuss/plan how we can provide the report content in more accessible formats (for example, HTML in addition to PDF, I personally would prefer an HTML vs a Word Doc, but I will have to check with the rest of the team regarding logistics).