The Steering Council elections

(Not posting this as a SC member, just as myself.)

Because we’re half-way through the nomination period, I want to remind people about the Steering Council elections, and the fact that you do not have to be a Core Developer to be nominated, just to nominate someone (including yourself). If you know someone who you think would be a good person to have on the Steering Council, Core Developer or not, talk to them. Offer to nominate them, if you’re a Core Developer, or talk to a Core Developer to do it.

For more information, see PEP 13 (Python Language Governance), PEP 8103 (2022 Term steering council election), and Ee’s announcement on how to nominate.

We still have about a week left, and I know there’s several people who are planning to nominate, so I’m not worried about the number of nominations… But I would personally like a good, sizable pool of candidates, because it’s much better for the health and longevity of the SC model. (I will also be nominating myself, I just haven’t gotten around to making the actual post yet.)



As I announced at PyCon, I will be retiring from the Steering Council. I’ve enjoyed working with folks over the last three terms, and I have full confidence that Python will continue to thrive with the incoming Steering Council.

I want to encourage folks who may be on the fence about whether to nominate themselves that you please do so. I’m happy to answer questions about what the role entails and the time commitment.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve this community and language the past three terms. It’s been incredibly rewarding to see what all of you have accomplished.

