Turn off the "times clicked" counts in Discourse?

I’m finding the little round “times clicked” bubbles next to hyperlinks to be distracting and potentially misleading. It makes me not want to click on anything in discourse as I know I’m altering a visible counter that will change other’s perception as a result. Why does it bug me? Following a link is not a vote for said links importance, I haven’t seen the link’s content yet! Displaying the number by the link treats it as a minor form of unattributed :green_heart: icon of endorsement. Can that “feature” just be disabled entirely for everyone?


Just when I earned the “Popular Link” award!

(""“This badge is granted when a link you shared gets 50 clicks. Thanks for posting a useful link that added interesting context to the conversation!”"")



My usual workaround is to click links from the email notification, not from the post :slight_smile:

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Sadly there is not an official way of doing this yet. Here is some info on the decision:

But being said that, after some hacking I managed to hide it for everyone in our discourse with a custom CSS. If you reload your static files the counter in the links should be gone (please confirm). :slight_smile:

Edit: I am going to test maintaining the count hidden for a while to check if that breaks something else so we can make a better decision in the future.