personally what I’d do is write the client / server in the same pycharm project, once you’ve done this open a terminal (for me this is alt-f12) right click on the terminal tab and click split right
I added both python files, and in the same project. At the moment I only have two print hello statements in them. Rest of the program in each file is commented.
I can open both of them and see the code. After running the first, which has an output in the terminal, when I run the second program, the terminal of the first close automatically and the terminal of the second program is there.
I just manage to run two terminals at the same time.
I created a Pycharm project. Added two python files.
Manually added/opened two terminals at the bottom. with “+” button. Both are pointing to the project directory in which I have two python files. I change the name of both terminals and run python file in each manually.
It works.
Since you mentioned about running the first program, I believe what you meant was the output window/pane, rather than “terminal”.
Then you mentioned that as you run the second program, you see the second program’s output replacing the first program’s output.
That doesn’t happen if the first program hasn’t ended; if the first program is still running, PyCharm will add another output tab.
If you for any reasons want to keep the output tab of the first program even if it has completed, you have to *pin it; pinning a tab prevents PyCharm from replacing that output tab.