Typing Summit at PyCon US 2024 (17 May 2024)

@stroxler and I are happy to invite anyone who is interested to the 2024 Typing Summit, which will be held during PyCon US in Pittsburgh on May 17.

This is a space for everyone interested in Python typing to come together and discuss the type system. There will be a series of talks, and an opportunity for discussion after each talk. If you’re interested in attending, and especially if you’d like to present, please respond to this Google form:

The summit will be held on Friday this year (not Thursday like in previous years), due to scheduling issues. All PyCon attendees are welcome at the summit.


If anybody knows of a similar initiative for the EuroPython or is interested in one please let me know.

As far as I know there hasn’t been a similar meeting at EuroPython. I would encourage anyone interested to organize one.

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I’d like to put out another call for interested speakers and attendees: If there’s a topic around the type system that you’d like to discuss with the wider community, please sign up at PyCon 2024 Typing Summit interest form and propose your talk.


Would this summit have any livestream? It may help people who wants to participate in remotely like me.

Unfortunately that probably won’t be possible.

This year the conference won’t be able to provide AV equipment to record the summit. However, if anyone is attending and has the hardware available to do a recording, it would be very helpful for those of us who won’t be able to make it to Pittsburgh. Even an audio-only recording would be useful.

If you’re able and willing to help out, please let me know!


Hi, I’m Aaron from the Pyre team. Looking forward to meeting folks at the summit and my first PyCon :wave: I don’t have professional equipment, but I can offer this best effort idea:

  • Tri-pod with iPhone 15 mounted on it (decent zoom and pretty good video quality)
  • XLR from soundboard to second iPhone with voice memo recording (have the cable for that)
  • If we don’t have soundboard access, then just put the second iPhone on the lectern (solid mic as long as the speaker is close to the phone. Audience questions wont be picked up)
  • I’ll sync the audio and video after and post a link to the video

I’ll be attending the Typing Summit and happy to take point on this if it’s helpful.


That sounds like a more than adequate setup to me; thanks Aaron for taking that on!

One other thought: is the conference’s inability to do this for us this year related to the lead time of the request? It seems to me that events like the typing summit are of high value to the language, and recording is of high value to the summits. Can we make a very-far-in-advance request that summits be considered as candidates for recording in AV planning for PyCon 2025+?


We were told early on by the organizers that no AV would be available. Possibly we could get a better setup with more lead time, but personally I don’t think I’ll have the time and energy to pursue that.

I’d encourage anyone interested to step up and help organize the summit for next year.


That’s fair :slight_smile: Sorry, I didn’t actually intend that to be a criticism at all, was just trying to think ahead.

I would be happy to co-organize the 2025 PyCon US typing summit; I would prefer not to do it alone, so hopefully another volunteer will appear at some point.


Note this will be in Room 319

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Apparently the conference app says that pre-registration is required for the Typing Summit, and someone just told me they couldn’t attend because they didn’t register, so just to be clear:

There is no registration requirement for the Typing Summit. If you’re here in Pittsburgh and you’re interested in typing, you are welcome to attend.


Hi folks,

For anyone at the conference and interested in how to better use types in practice, Maggie reserved an open space in room 320 at 1pm tomorrow (Saturday).

This could be a good time to connect about ways to make types usable and easier to adopt, whether you are interested mainly in documentation, better type inference, or other topics.


We had a successful Typing Summit last Monday. Steven and I would like to thank our wonderful speakers @AlexWaygood, @carljm, and @davidfstr for their talks, as well as the Typing Council members, and the lightning talk speakers @maggiemoss, @adriangb, and @agronholm.

We took notes during the meeting at Typing Summit 2024 - HackMD; feel free to take a look if you’re interested. The summit was also recorded, thanks to the wonderful A/V team, but we haven’t received the recording yet; when we do, we will share it here.


I’ve just posted my own talk, with chapter links:

The remaining talks should be coming from the A/V team soon :sparkles:


By request, here are the slides from my talk as well. They’re in PDF form, so the one slide with set diagram transitions won’t visually make sense, but everything else should be OK. Hopefully video coming as well, which should be easier than reading the slides!


Hi there,

As far as I understood the summit was recorded after all thanks to Aaron, even though there was no official A/V team from the conference organizers, right? (also waiting for the recording for my peers)

BTW I think JetBrains could also help with recording/streaming setup next year if the same problem arises again (just ping me).


We got AV support from the conference, so hoping to share that once all the conference videos are available on the YouTube channel. Thanks Steven for coordinating that last minute!


@Jelle I can see PyCon US 2024 has a number of hidden videos not released yet. Do you have a good contact for the organizers to see if we could get the typing summit video released?