Typing support for common proxy and delegation patterns

Proxy and delegation patterns are very useful for adding, selectively altering or restricting access to functionalities of an existing object, and in Python, this is most easily implemented by using __getattr__ to delegate access to missing attributes to the main object. The problem is that __getattr__ is a black box to static type checkers so when a class defines __getattr__ static type checkers would simply treat all attribute accesses as valid:

class Subject:
    def method(self):

class Proxy:
    def __init__(self, delegate):
        self.delegate = delegate

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        return getattr(self.delegate, name)

Proxy(Subject()).method() # OK
Proxy(Subject()).method(1) # huh? no complaint from static type checkers
Proxy(Subject()).foo() # huh? no complaint from static type checkers

The code above gets complaint from static type checkers only if __getattr__ isn’t defined.

I think there ought to be a declarative way to indicate that any missing attribute of a Proxy instance is to fallback to that of a Subject instance, so that it is clear to static type checkers when to complain about missing attributes, and when to assume the delegated object’s typing information to the proxy object (so Proxy(Subject()).method can get a proper signature).

Possible options include:

  1. Repurposing the -> token (pros: most concise):
class Proxy -> Subject:
  1. A new soft keyword (pros: most readable):
class Proxy delegates Subject:
  1. A new decorator (pros: most backwards-compatible):
from typing import delegates

class Proxy:
  1. A new magic superclass à la Protocol, thanks to @jesnie (pros: supports generics):
from typing import Proxy

class MyProxy(Proxy[Subject]):

class MyGenericProxy[S](Proxy[S]):

Certain runtime functions such as dir() and inspect.signature can benefit too.

What does everyone think?


I’ve certainly come across situations where proxying would have been useful. I don’t think this would warrant new syntax, though. Also, this would be most useful if it would work with generics, since proxies can often work with multiple proxy targets.

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I agree it would be nice to be able to express proxies in the type system.
Maybe it could be expressed via a new magic superclass, similarly to Protocol. That would also be backwards-compatible:

from typing import Proxy

class MyProxy(Proxy[Subject]):

class MyGenericProxy[S](Proxy[S]):

Ah yes, support for generics is crucial indeed, and I do like the proposed magic superclass.