Uninstall successful but not uninstalling

Hello, im trying to uninstall the python3.11 and im going to the control panel to do it, but it still not uninstalling after showing the window “Uninstall was successful” can someone help me?

… and then what, exactly? We can’t see your screen.

What exactly is your evidence for this? How do you test the uninstall; what do you think should happen; and what does happen instead? (For example, are you sure you aren’t just seeing a different Python installation on your system?)

im going to the folder where it is installed and the files are not disappearing after the uninstall successful window showing

I had the same problem. As I can’t find any solution, I started to find the reason by myself.
I found that a log file would be created in system temp dir when I uninstalled Python.
In the log file, I read this:

i410: Variable: TargetDir = C:\Users\WeberSnake\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311

Howerver, this is not the dir I installed Python.
So the solution is, copy the real Python311 folder to this TargetDir, then uninstall Python again.