From the June 12th PSF board meeting minutes:
The PSF discussed the the creation of the User Success Working Group and voted on the following resolution:
RESOLVED that the Python Software Foundation approve the creation of the User Success Working Group to support the PSF’s mission by focusing on projects and initiatives related to User Success
Approved; 9-0-0, 2024-06-12
However, this working group still isn’t listed on the PSF Work Groups page.
I am just checking in on the status of this WG, as I am personally interested in contributing, so I would like to know when it is meant to become active, so that I can reach out.
Additionally, I also thought it would be nice to highlight it here publically, instead of asking privately, in case anyone who missed this motion is also interested in this goal
cc @trallard @jezdez (PSF Directors I know were interested in this work, from previous discussions)