Vote to promote Bénédikt Tran (picnixz)


I propose to promote Bénédikt Tran (picnixz on GitHub) as a core developer. I have been working closely with him for a few months and it’s always a pleasure to work with him. He’s eager to get feedback and listen to feedback (don’t reproduce the same mistakes).

Bénédikt is quite active in bug triage (he became a triager since July).

He got 84 changes merged into the main branch. Over the last 12 months, he is the #9 most active contributor in terms of commits.

He worked on various parts of Python. Examples:

  • Add platform.invalidate_caches().
  • uuid: add support for UUID version 8 (RFC 9562).
  • Improve performances of fnmatch.translate: 1.71x faster overall.
  • Allow to show specialized bytecode via dis CLI; and make dis functions render positions on demand.
  • Improve SyntaxError message for invalid type parameters expressions.
  • Convert the ncurses C extension to the multiphase API and to heap types.
  • Improve test coverage of codecs C API (add tests).
  • Fix use-after-free on fut->fut_callback0 due to an evil callback’s __eq__ in asyncio.
  • Fix UBSan failure in unicodeobject.c:find_first_nonascii().

Outside CPython, he is currently a maintainer of Sphinx.


  • Promote Bénédikt Tran
  • Do not promote
0 voters

A big +1 from me. I’ve worked with Bénédikt on a variety of tasks, and it has always been a positive experience. He is not only an expert in multiple areas of CPython, but also a very kind person, which makes communication with him much easier — something I really value.

I would also like to highlight that Bénédikt has dedicated a significant amount of time to conducting thorough code reviews, which are incredibly helpful.

I’m especially grateful that Bénédikt took the initiative to work on maintaining Doc/data/refcounts.dat: Improve and maintain `Doc/data/refcounts.dat` · Issue #127443 · python/cpython · GitHub, a task that requires a lot of hard work and patience.

I look forward to seeing Bénédikt in the core team!


Another +1 from me. I’ve watched his interactions the past several months and I’ve been impressed by his thoughtfulness and attention to detail.


I’ve worked with Bénédikt on several issues and PRs, and it has been a pleasure every time. He has a great attention to detail, his reviews are thorough and of high quality; I trust his judgement. He’s been doing a fantastic job triaging our issue backlog. I very much look forward to having him on the team!


The SC discussed Bénédikt’s promotion today and does not veto.
Thank you for all your patience during the long long holidays :slight_smile:

Congratulations Bénédikt!


Thank you everyone for the support and trust! I am honored and proud to be part of the team. I would like to specifically thank @Jelle for my nomination as a triager, @vstinner for this nomination and @ambv for granting me the necessary privileges.