You may want to read the web page they are pointing you to or other documentation as what you are asking pandas to do is a legal statement, but also a common mistake often when a user wants something else. It is only a WARNING.
Your dataframe called df should be looke at first to see that it produces this:
>>> df
Name Age
0 Alice 25
1 Bob 30
2 Charlie 35
You have a dataframe with two columns and three rows.
You have a list with five numbers: my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
What exactly do you want to do? In general, you can add a row to a dataframe or a column or you can index a dataframe to return selected parts. But how does five numbers have meaning here?
There are languages like R that create a new column and in an example like this, if I typed:
# Note this is NOT Python but R
df$NewCol <- list(11,12,13)
Then the result would be a third column containing those integers. The error message guesses you are trying to do something like that and is warning you it is not how it is done.
I think it likely you want to do something very different as you say you want to attach the list. Do you mean as an attribute with some name like “my_list” that can be attached to many objects, again, in languages like R, but also in a somewhat different way in Python? ManyPython objects can indeed have attributes added and this is the way to add that as in:
df.instrument_name = 'Binky'
You can access it later as in:
>>> df.instrument_name
But if you check, what you did worked as described even with the warning.
>>> my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> df.my_list = my_list
>>> print(df.my_list)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
So, you need to specify what you wanted to do. If it was to attach a list, you may sometimes get a warning but it works. But if you want anything else, please explain where you want the list to go or be used.