Web Programming Intro for Python

I have a dictionary (language learning) project written in Python that I would like to migrate online. But I pretty much have no web programming experience. What do you recommend as the best resource to teach myself how to web program? (at the moment I just interact with the dictionary in a linux shell).

If you interact with the shell, you need to know the path to your programe. In the case of the web your path may include web URL. I would ask chatGPT on how you can give access to sombody, that they can connect online for example to your working station and use your programe.

Find a tutorial

Start by looking for tutorials on Youtube about building a web server using Python. You will need to use one of the frameworks like Django or Flask to do this.

So an example search on Youtube would be: /web page tutorial Python Django/

with the slashes.

I’ve recently done this. It’s not a quick process. But it’s not bad either. Eventually I will host on the Azure system from Microsoft.

Then you will need a web host to host your program. There are different types of web hosts.

Python hosting

These are for specifically hosting Python apps.

  1. Attempt This Online. Run Python 3 and many other languages online. Free and no ads. https://ato.pxeger.com/ When copying code to clipboard, use CGCC post to get it in Markdown.
  2. Hostinger. Currently $2.99usd/month + 3 months free. It’s normally $11.99usd/month. https://hostinger.com
  3. Microsoft Azure. Azure has several ways to host apps and the cost changes accordingly. Use a full server instance for the most expensive option. Or a Function App (using Python up to 3.11) for a less expensive option.
  4. PythonAnywhere. Go to https://Pythonanywhere.com. Plans start at $5/month. See CPU usage and disk usage. It supports Python up to 3.10, but also Ipython, PyPy. Create, edit, delete files.
    1. Databases supported: MySQL, Postgresql (for upgraded accounts).
    2. Create a web app with Django, Flask, web2py, Bottle, or manually.
    3. Schedule tasks to run daily or set up always on tasks. Useful for chat boxes.
    4. Customize your plan for CPU time used, number of web apps, number of web workers, number of always-on tasks, disk space available.
  5. Siteground. Starts at $2.99usd per month. This looks like an intro price which will at some time revert to a normal prices of $17.99usd per month. https://siteground.com

General hosting

There are various options for general web hosts and it generally costs more to get shell access, rather than just use Cpanel, a common app to manage a web site of static web pages.

  1. Bluehost.com.
  2. Linode.com