Web scraping using Python- dynamic websites

Hello everyone,
I am a beginner level coder in Python and wanted to explore the field of Web Scraping. I am familiar with Beautiful soup however it has not been very helpful for my task.
I am working on a website, from which I need to count the number of samples which start with a specific code. I need to count the number of samples at a certain time, as it keeps changing as the day progresses. This website is dynamic and I believe I need to use advanced web scraping.
Can anyone please suggest a good source of information (website or blog or video) that I can use for understanding web scraping using python for complex web sites?
If you have worked on a similar task before, any suggestions are also most welcome.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you

Gajraj Rathore

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Most (all?) web scrapers in languages don’t support dynamic JavaScript-controlled web content. However, that’s good news: instead of web scraping, instead watch the requests in the ‘network’ tab of your browser’s developer tools (F12 in Firefox) and use the requests Python library to emulate that


All right, I’ll try that. Thank you

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I would normally recommend using selenium, but recently I’ve been looking into playwright and I’m really liking it.

I would suggest you take a look t it Fast and reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps | Playwright Python