What is the difference between NumPy and SciPy?

Hi, What is the difference between NumPy and SciPy

NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing, providing n-dimensional arrays and some common numeric routines. SciPy (library) adds some more. The slightly confusing part is that ScipPy is also a larger project that groups together, among others, NumPy, SciPy library, matplotlib and Pandas.



Minor typo here: I believe that this is supposed to be SciPy

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Howdy jhon,

NumPy is a library providing basic numerical means based on operations using n-dimensional arrays.

The SciPy library provides ‘higher’ numerical means alike digital signal / image processing methods.

But be aware, that the name SciPy is used for both, said core library as well as an environment comprising said core library as well as others - alike NumPy.

So, taking this into account, NumPy can be a part of SciPy…