I have Python 3.12 on Windows 10.
I have to read an Excel spreadsheet, XLSX format, with 1000s of lines. One column has a shipping tracking number which I want to read and keep any leading zeros. But when I read the tracking number with Pandas, Pandas is stripping off the leading zeroes.
Ex: Data in Excel shows “001234583833” but what pandas reads in Python is “1234583833”. This tracking number will be part of selection criteria when I search for it in a database so it must be accurate.
How I read the spreadsheet.
df = pandas.read_excel(filename, index_col=None) # Read all columns to help with debugging.
except Exception as e:
writeerr(f"{procname} ERROR reading Excel file. {e}")
How I read each row.
for index, rowdata in df.iterrows():
rowlen = len(rowdata)
tracknum = df.iloc[index,options.ssfedextracknumcol]
fedexcharge = df.iloc[index,options.ssfedexchargecol]
job = df.iloc[index,options.ssfedexorigref2col] # Orig ref 2 from SS.
What I tried
- In Excel I tried selecting the whole column (except for the header) and formatting it as “Text”. That didn’t fix my problem.
- The length of the tracking number ight vary, so reformatting the data with leading zeros after it’s read in Python may not work on every record.
- Doing a Google search for web pages shows how to ADD leading zeros but not keep them when I read them.
Do you have any ideas how to do this?
Thank you!