Which GUI can run Python code on a Mac?

It seems that Python does not have GUI tools and it’s thus impossible to compile Python code into an App which could run on the Mac (or any other OS). It has to be run “raw”. Effectively a Python program cannot be distributed to others unless they know how to run raw Python code. If I had known this when I started learning Python, I would have never started.

I tried to make Flet work for four days, but even the simplest code doesn’t work.

Before I completely abandon Python for Xcode or another language can anyone tell me if there are other tools that can help me make an app from my Python code.

Alternatively, is there a GUI progamming language which can take my Python code and run it as an App which could be distributed to friends?

Both PyInstaller and py2app can bundle python scripts into app bundles on macOS so that they can be distributed to other users.

I write PyQt6 apps and package them as macOS apps using pyinstaller successfully.

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I’m a fan of wxPython, which works with PyInstaller. (Here’s a 2019 blog post on it.)

I was a fan for a long time but I ported away from wxPython a while ago because of the lack of developer support on macOS at the time - copy-n-paste was broken.

What I found was that all the special case code I was maintaining to make wxPython work on multiple OS (Fedora, Windows, macOS) could almost all be removed when I ported to PyQt.

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