i have a URL and and also the api key to get data from an external website
however i need to provide 2 parameters to extract the data (Date, EMPLOYEE).
Once i enter the parameter i should get all the data i need in this format (name,account_number,date,employee).
After this i would like to export the results into an already created sql table ( same headers as above)
can someone please assist
Once you have got the data, there are several libraries which can help you write the data back to a SQL database. My preference is to use a package implementing the python DB API for a given SQL language. For example, for MS SQL Server this would be pyodbc.
Some example code to insert using pyodbc would be:
If you are using a different SQL language, you will need to use a different library (e.g. psycopg2 for PostgreSQL), but the code should be almost identical as all of these libraries implement the same functions for interaction with databases (see https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0249/)