Button starts command without clicked

Ich have a form, everthings fine. I have a function filling the form from a file does what expected to do.

Now I created a button that should call the function if pressed.
But if I start the program, the function is called at once. Using PyCharm as IDE, find the function name gives me 2 results, the function definition and the command at the button. If I set a debugger breakpoint on the function it is reach without the button is pressed
The button definition:

read_button = ttk.Button(data_frame,text="Read",command=fill_form())

before the buttons are about 460 lines of working code creating a 188 fields form with a lot of functions creating lables, entries, combo boxed etc. including the working “fill_form”

Need help, hint

Regards Rainer

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read_button = ttk.Button(data_frame,text="Read",command=fill_form())
#                                                                ^^

The () parentheses here mean that the function is called when the button is defined. Remove the parentheses to pass the function itself.


Thanks for quick help, it works now. But as much as I think, I can not imagine what that will be meaningfull, to start a fing while defineing a button. What will that button then be good for. And what if I want to gif a parameter to the function when button is pressed. OK im still a novize in Python, but not by far in programming


To pass a parameter to the function, you could use something like functools.partial or a lambda.

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