Error TypeError: 'Event' object is not subscriptable in tabels in tkinter

Hi all i am new at python programming I have been trying to make an Tkinter project
I wanted to when i clicked on a button the data from my entrys go to the tabels and their special coulmns but while I click on the button this error appears: TypeError: ‘Event’ object is not subscriptable

I made this app to help institutes to manage and register people without paper and ink
hopefully you can use it good and just do not forget to write number for customers age
or else we cant recognise your customer


from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
from tkinter import ttk

# functions

def Reg(e):
    if Name.get() != "" and Family.get() != "" and Age.get() != "":

def regpressed(user):
    if Age.get() < str(18):
                               "we could not complete your register please come back when your sober and older")
        return False
        ask = messagebox.askyesno("are you sure?", "Do you wish to proceed?")
        if ask:
            messagebox.showinfo("info", "we have done your registration")
            # Screen.destroy()
            return True

def Delete(e):
    for item in e:

def idontknow():
    esm = Name.get()
    famil = Family.get()
    sen = Age.get()

    us = {"Name": Name, "family name": Family, "age": Age}
    result = regpressed(us)

    if result:
        list = [name, family, age]

def Select(e):
    selection_row = tbl.selection()
    if selection_row != ():

def insert(value):
    tbl.insert('', "end", value=[value[0].get(), value[1].get(), value[2].get()])

# new window and making it personal
Screen = Tk()
Screen.title("Underground gym")
Screen.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (900, 450, 200, 200))

# variable

name = StringVar()
family = StringVar()
age = StringVar()

# now we use labels
lbl = Label(Screen, text="Name:")
lbl.configure(font="normal 15 bold"), y=50)

lbl1 = Label(Screen, text="FamilyName:")
lbl1.configure(font="normal 15 bold"), y=90)

lbl2 = Label(Screen, text="Age:")
lbl2.configure(font="normal 15 bold"), y=130)

# Entry

Name = Entry(Screen)
Name.bind("<KeyRelease>", Reg)
Name.configure(width=25, justify="right", textvariable=name), y=57)

Family = Entry(Screen)
Family.bind("<KeyRelease>", Reg)
Family.configure(width=25, justify="right", textvariable=family), y=97)

Age = Entry(Screen)
Age.bind("<KeyRelease>", Reg)
Age.configure(width=15, textvariable=age, justify="right"), y=137)

# now we make our buttons

reg = Button(Screen, text="Register")
reg.bind("<Button-1>", insert)
reg.configure(bg="aqua", padx=10, pady=5, state=DISABLED, command=idontknow), y=200)

# Tabel
tbl = ttk.Treeview(Screen, columns="c1, c2, c3", show="headings", height=90)
tbl.bind("<Button-1>", Select)
tbl.column("# 1", width=50)
tbl.heading("# 1", text="Name")

tbl.column("# 2", width=90)
tbl.heading("# 2", text="FamilyName")

tbl.column("# 3", width=50)
tbl.heading("# 3", text="Age")
tbl.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH)

[quote=“martin, post:1, topic:60017, username:smart”]

        ask = messagebox.askyesno("are you sure?", "Do you wish to proceed?")
        if ask:
            messagebox.showinfo("info", "we have done your registration")
            # Screen.destroy()
            return True

Any Way I really appreciate it if you can help me

Share the exact traceback (error you get). It helpfully will tell you the line of code that this error is for. I can guess, but I want to show you how to find the problem yourself.

Subscriptable refers to the use of […]'s. It’s saying you are using a […] on an object that doesn’t support it.

tkinter.Event values like ‘x’, the mouse x position when the event occurred, are accessed as attributes e.x rather than as dict entries (e['x']).

You didn’t post the traceback, so I’ll have to guess.

Suppose you click on the button labelled “Register”. The function insert is called and it’s passed an event object.

The function insert tries to do value[0] where value is the event object that was passed in, but that doesn’t support subscripting, hence an exception.