How does drag and drop work in PySimpleGUI?

I am trying to make a drag and drop function in PySimpleGUI, where clicking on a canvas object selects it and lets you drag around, as long as it’s still clicked. If you click anything else other than said object, the object deselects. How do you do that with a code this complex, bonus points if you help me understand tkinter.dnd?

import PySimpleGUI as sg


items_files = [  [sg.Button(pad = (0, 0), tooltip = 'Delete from Frontmost', key = 'DelF')]  ]

tab2 = [  [sg.Button(key = 'Rect', pad = (0, 0), tooltip = 'Rectangle')]  ]

BC = 'white'
CW = 600
CH = 450
LXM = (CW / 2)
LYM = (CH / 2)

mid_left = [  [sg.Text(text = "X:"), sg.Input(default_text = "0", key = "TLX", size = (3, 1))],
              [sg.Text(text = "Y:"), sg.Input(default_text = "0", key = "TLY", size = (3, 1))],
              [sg.Text(text = "Scale X:"), sg.Input(default_text = "0", key = "TSX", size = (3, 1))],
              [sg.Text(text = "Scale Y:"), sg.Input(default_text = "0", key = "TSY", size = (3, 1))]  ]

can = sg.Canvas(size = (CW, CH), background_color = BC, border_width = 1, key = "canvas")

mid_screen = [  [sg.Frame("Insert Values", mid_left, expand_x = True, expand_y = True), can]  ]

layout = [  [sg.Frame("", items_files, pad = (1, 1), expand_x = False, expand_y = False), sg.TabGroup([[sg.Tab('Insert', tab2)]])],
            [mid_screen]  ]
window = sg.Window('title', layout, finalize = True)
tkc = can.TKCanvas

N = 0

OL = [0]

while True:
    event, values =
    if event in (None, sg.WIN_CLOSED, 'Exit'):

    TLX = values["TLX"]
    TLY = values["TLY"]
    TSX = values["TSX"]
    TSY = values["TSY"]
    LT = 1
    FC = 'red'
    LC = 'black'

    def MakeRect():
        pum = N
        OL.insert(pum, tkc.create_rectangle((float(LXM) + float(TLX) + float(TSX)), (float(LYM) + float(TLY) + float(TSY)), (float(LXM) + float(TLX) - float(TSX)), (float(LYM) + float(TLY) - float(TSY)), fill = FC, outline = LC, width = LT,  tag = pum))
        pum = N + 1
        return pum

    def DeleteObj():
        pum = N
        del OL[pum]
        pum = N - 1

    if event == 'Rect':
        print (OL)
        print (N)

    if event == 'DelF':
        print (OL)
        print (N)


Bonus question: If I select an object, it should return the tag some parameters.If this is possible, can these parameters be edited?

I can’t help you with this (sorry), but I can recommend a drag-and-drop GUI generator for Python/Tkinter that I’ve been using. It generates all of the Tkinter code needed for the GUI that you design.

Lmk if you’re interested.