How to view hidden posts?

Several comments in this topic have been hidden. How do we view them?

By being an active enough member of this community to reach Trust Level 3.

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Another option is turn on mailing list mode:

While I considered myself a relatively active member at times, I personally found the TL3 requirements too onerous as I do not interact with the Python Help category (I tend to provide help in other Python communities). There have been many discussions that have happened in the past year where a lot of TL3 members are replying with direct knowledge of the hidden posts which make the discussion too confusing to follow. Especially based on the information in this thread it appears some flagged posts reappear after 24 hours and some do not, but keeping track of that in an active discussion is impossible.

Because of these factors I have switched to mailing list mode.

The main downside of mailing list mode is posts won’t get emails for 5 - 15 mins to allow for the users to make any small edits / corrections. But it provides you with an actual archive of what was said so you are able to actually follow discussions like these.


5 posts were split to a new topic: Links to blogs about suspensions

2 posts were split to a new topic: Is this website backed up?

We don’t plan to make this information more available.

Assume topics have the information needed to participate in them in an on topic way, regardless of any moderated posts. Posts are moderated because they are off topic or inappropriate, moderators are not hiding necessary information.

You’re welcome to use post emails, existing archive services, or run your own in order to record information you want. However, responding to posts after the fact as if they were not moderated, or trying to second guess or debate moderation decisions, is not on topic and will be further moderated. If you are concerned about a moderation decision, you can privately message the @moderators group on the forums, or contact the Code of Conduct team.

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