'Meltdown Mitigation: Exercism CANt seem to get it working

Im doing this on Exercism but can’t seem to get it working. Step 1 is OK but 2 and 3 no. I tried every iteration possible after mine didn’t work but it still gives me error.

def reactor_efficiency(voltage: int, current: int, theoretical_max_power: int) → str:

"""Assess reactor efficiency zone.

:param voltage: int or float - voltage value.
:param current: int or float - current value.
:param theoretical_max_power: int or float - power that corresponds to a 100% efficiency.
:return: str - one of ('green', 'orange', 'red', or 'black').

Efficiency can be grouped into 4 bands:

1. green -> efficiency of 80% or more,
2. orange -> efficiency of less than 80% but at least 60%,
3. red -> efficiency below 60%, but still 30% or more,
4. black ->  less than 30% efficient.

The percentage value is calculated as
(generated power/ theoretical max power)*100
where generated power = voltage * current

generated_power = voltage * current
efficiency = (generated_power / theorical_max_power) * 100

if efficiency >= 80 and efficiency <= 100:
    return 'green'
elif efficiency >= 60 and efficiency < 80:
    return 'orange'
elif efficiency >= 30 and efficiency < 60:
    return 'red' 
elif efficiency < 30:
    return 'black' 
    return 'Out of range'

def fail_safe(temperature, neutrons_produced_per_second, threshold):
“”"Assess and return status code for the reactor.

:param temperature: int or float - value of the temperature in kelvin.
:param neutrons_produced_per_second: int or float - neutron flux.
:param threshold: int or float - threshold for category.
:return: str - one of ('LOW', 'NORMAL', 'DANGER').

1. 'LOW' -> `temperature * neutrons per second` < 90% of `threshold`
2. 'NORMAL' -> `temperature * neutrons per second` +/- 10% of `threshold`
3. 'DANGER' -> `temperature * neutrons per second` is not in the above-stated ranges
criticality = 100 * (1 - temperature * neutrons_produced_per_seconds / threshold)
if -10 <= criticality <= 10:
    return "NORMAL"
elif 10 < criticality <= 100:
    return "LOW"
    return "DANGER"

I don’t know what Step 1, 2 and 3 refer to. What error do you get? Please copy and paste the full traceback, starting with the line “Traceback…”, if possible.

Here it is

Step 1

def is_criticality_balanced(temperature, neutrons_emitted):
“”"Verify criticality is balanced.

:param temperature: int or float - temperature value in kelvin.
:param neutrons_emitted: int or float - number of neutrons emitted per second.
:return: bool - is criticality balanced?

A reactor is said to be critical if it satisfies the following conditions:
- The temperature is less than 800 K.
- The number of neutrons emitted per second is greater than 500.
- The product of temperature and neutrons emitted per second is less than 500000.

if temperature < 800 and neutrons_emitted > 500 and (temperature * neutrons_emitted) < 500000:
    return True
    return False

Step 2

def reactor_efficiency(voltage: int, current: int, theoretical_max_power: int) → str:

"""Assess reactor efficiency zone.

:param voltage: int or float - voltage value.
:param current: int or float - current value.
:param theoretical_max_power: int or float - power that corresponds to a 100% efficiency.
:return: str - one of ('green', 'orange', 'red', or 'black').

Efficiency can be grouped into 4 bands:

1. green -> efficiency of 80% or more,
2. orange -> efficiency of less than 80% but at least 60%,
3. red -> efficiency below 60%, but still 30% or more,
4. black ->  less than 30% efficient.

The percentage value is calculated as
(generated power/ theoretical max power)*100
where generated power = voltage * current

generated_power = voltage * current
efficiency = (generated_power / theorical_max_power) * 100

if efficiency >= 80 and efficiency <= 100:
    return 'green'
elif efficiency >= 60 and efficiency < 80:
    return 'orange'
elif efficiency >= 30 and efficiency < 60:
    return 'red' 
elif efficiency < 30:
    return 'black' 
    return 'Out of range'

Step 3

def fail_safe(temperature, neutrons_produced_per_second, threshold):
“”"Assess and return status code for the reactor.

:param temperature: int or float - value of the temperature in kelvin.
:param neutrons_produced_per_second: int or float - neutron flux.
:param threshold: int or float - threshold for category.
:return: str - one of ('LOW', 'NORMAL', 'DANGER').

1. 'LOW' -> `temperature * neutrons per second` < 90% of `threshold`
2. 'NORMAL' -> `temperature * neutrons per second` +/- 10% of `threshold`
3. 'DANGER' -> `temperature * neutrons per second` is not in the above-stated ranges
criticality = 100 * (1 - temperature * neutrons_produced_per_seconds / threshold)
if -10 <= criticality <= 10:
    return "NORMAL"
elif 10 < criticality <= 100:
    return "LOW"
    return "DANGER"

Error Step 2


voltage = 10
theoretical_max_power = 10000

# The numbers are chosen so that current == 10 x percentage
test_data = ((1000, 'green'), (999, 'green'), (800, 'green'),
             (799, 'orange'), (700, 'orange'), (600, 'orange'),
             (599, 'red'), (560, 'red'), (400, 'red'), (300, 'red'),
             (299, 'black'), (200, 'black'), (0, 'black'))

for variant, data in enumerate(test_data, start=1):
    current, expected = data
    with self.subTest(f'variation #{variant}', voltage=voltage, current=current,
                      theoretical_max_power=theoretical_max_power, expected=expected):

        # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return
        actual_result = reactor_efficiency(voltage, current, theoretical_max_power)
        failure_message = (f'Expected {expected} but returned {actual_result} '
                           f'with voltage={voltage}, current={current}, max_pow={theoretical_max_power}')
        self.assertEqual(actual_result, expected, failure_message)


One or more variations of this test failed. Details can be found under each [variant#].

Error Step 3


temp = 10
threshold = 10000
test_data = ((399, 'LOW'), (300, 'LOW'), (1, 'LOW'),
             (0, 'LOW'), (901, 'NORMAL'), (1000, 'NORMAL'),
             (1099, 'NORMAL'), (899, 'LOW'), (700, 'LOW'),
             (400, 'LOW'), (1101, 'DANGER'), (1200, 'DANGER'))

for variant, (neutrons_per_second, expected) in enumerate(test_data, start=1):
    with self.subTest(f'variation #{variant}', temp=temp, neutrons_per_second=neutrons_per_second,
                      threshold=threshold, expected=expected):

        # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return
        actual_result = fail_safe(temp, neutrons_per_second, threshold)
        failure_message = (f'Expected {expected} but returned {actual_result} with T={temp}, '
                           f'neutrons={neutrons_per_second}, threshold={threshold}')
        self.assertEqual(actual_result, expected, failure_message)


One or more variations of this test failed. Details can be found under each [variant#].

I’m finding it hard to see if the failure you’re referring to is coming from Python itself or from a result of whatever you’re experimenting.

If the error is python related, it’d be clearer if you copied and pasted the traceback log so we can see how to help. If the error is due to the logic of your experiment code, I really don’t know how we can help.

“One or more variations of this test failed. Details can be found under each [variant#].”

Okay, but we can’t see those details.

It is difficult for us to help you when we don’t know what errors or test failures you have.