Need some help solving

The villagers have been divided into seven teams to stir a pot of dodol on a rotation
basis for the next four days. The pot of dodol will be stirred by one team at one time.
Each team will stir the pot of dodol for four hours before another team takes over the
task of stirring the pot of dodol. Ideally, no team will stir the pot of dodol for more than
4 hours a day so that each team gets sufficient rest before their next turn to stir the pot
of dodol. Each team will stir the pot of dodol for at least 8 hours during the entire dodol

Formulate the problem as Constraint Satisfaction Problem using python.

    from constraint import Problem , AllDifferentConstraint

# Create a new CSP problem
problem = Problem()

# Define variables
days = [1, 2, 3, 4]
teams = range(1, 8) #team
hours = range(0, 97, 4) #hour (0,4,8,12,16,20,24...)

# Add variables to the problem
problem.addVariable("Days", range(1,5))
#problem.addVariable("Teams", range(1,8))
#problem.addVariable("Hours", range(0,93,4))

# Solve the problem
solutions = problem.getSolutions()

for solution in solutions:


PS: Im at the point of breaking down after whole day of trying.

Do you understand how to solve the problem by hand? Step by step, in English, what do you need to do in order to compute the result?

Everyone on a discussion forum wants to help. You don’t need to justify your effort, but you do need to make the problem understandable to others. It’s not useful to tell us about the time you spent trying. Instead: if you want to know why something didn’t work, we need to see what you tried in order to comment on it.

Do you already have the Problem class? or are you supposed to write it? If it is someone else’s class, we can’t tell you how to use it, because we can’t see that code (or any documentation).

I tried very hard to do this, here is my closest attempt.

from constraint import *

# Define variables
problem = Problem()
teams = range(1, 8)
days = range(1, 5)
slots = range(1, 7)

# Define domains
for day in days:
    for slot in slots:
        problem.addVariable(f"Day {day} Slot {slot}", teams)

# Define constraints
for team in teams:
    # Each team should stir the pot of dodol for at least 8 hours during the entire dodol feast.
    problem.addConstraint(SomeInSetConstraint({team}, 8), [f"Day {day} Slot {slot}" for day in days for slot in slots])
    # Each team should stir the pot of dodol for no more than 4 hours a day.
    for day in days:
        problem.addConstraint(SomeInSetConstraint({team}, 4), [f"Day {day} Slot {slot}" for slot in slots])
    # Each team should get sufficient rest before their next turn to stir the pot of dodol.
    for day in days:
        for slot in slots:
            if slot < 6:
                problem.addConstraint(lambda a, b, team=team: a == team and b != team, [f"Day {day} Slot {slot}", f"Day {day} Slot {slot+1}"])
                if day < 4:  # to avoid index out of range
                    problem.addConstraint(lambda a, b, team=team: a == team and b != team, [f"Day {day} Slot {slot}", f"Day {day+1} Slot {1}"])

# Find a solution
solution = problem.getSolution()

# Print the solution
if solution:
    for day in days:
        print(f"Day {day}")
        print("12AM > 4AM: Team", solution[f"Day {day} Slot 1"])
        print("4AM > 8AM: Team", solution[f"Day {day} Slot 2"])
        print("8AM > 12PM: Team", solution[f"Day {day} Slot 3"])
        print("12PM > 4PM: Team", solution[f"Day {day} Slot 4"])
        print("4PM > 8PM: Team", solution[f"Day {day} Slot 5"])
        print("8PM > 12AM: Team", solution[f"Day {day} Slot 6"])
    print("No solution found.")

No solution found.


from constraint import Problem, InSetConstraint

# Create a problem instance
problem = Problem()

# Define the variables
# Each variable represents a 4-hour time slot over the 4 days
# The domain of each variable is the set of teams (1 to 7)
time_slots = ["Day{}_{}".format(day, slot) for day in range(1, 5) for slot in range(1, 7)]
problem.addVariables(time_slots, range(1, 8))

# Define the constraints
# Each team must stir the pot of dodol for at least 8 hours during the entire feast.
for team in range(1, 8):
    problem.addConstraint(InSetConstraint([team]), ["Day{}_{}".format(day, slot) for day in range(1, 5) for slot in range(1, 3)])

# No team can stir the pot of dodol for more than 4 hours a day.
for day in range(1, 5):
    for team in range(1, 8):
        problem.addConstraint(InSetConstraint([team]), ["Day{}_{}".format(day, slot) for slot in range(1, 2)])

# Solve the problem
solutions = problem.getSolutions()

# Print the solutions
for solution in solutions:
    for day in range(1, 5):
        print("Day {}:".format(day))
        for slot in range(1, 7):
            print("  Slot {}: Team {}".format(slot, solution["Day{}_{}".format(day, slot)]))

No output


import constraint

villagers_teams = ["team1", "team2", "team3", 
                   "team4", "team5", "team6", "team7"]

allocated_time = ["D1_Hr1", "D1_Hr2", "D1_Hr3", "D1_Hr4", "D2_Hr1", "D2_Hr2", "D2_Hr3", "D2_Hr4", 
                  "D3_Hr1", "D3_Hr2", "D3_Hr3", "D3_Hr4", "D4_Hr1", "D4_Hr2", "D4_Hr3", "D4_Hr4"]

problem = constraint.Problem()

# add the variables and the domain into the problem
for t in villagers_teams:
    problem.addVariables([t + time for time in allocated_time], [0,1])

# define the constraints
def stir_for_four_hours(*args):
    return sum(args) == 4

def max_four_hours_a_day(*args):
    return sum(args) <= 4

def stir_at_least_eight_hours(*args):
    return sum(args) >= 8

# Adding the constraints to the problem
for t in villagers_teams:
    for day in range(1, 5):
        problem.addConstraint(stir_for_four_hours, [t + f"D{day}_Hr{i}" for i in range(1, 5)])
        problem.addConstraint(max_four_hours_a_day, [t + f"D{day}_Hr{i}" for i in range(1, 5)])
    problem.addConstraint(stir_at_least_eight_hours, [t + f"D{day}_Hr{i}" for day in range(1, 5) for i in range(1, 5)])

# Solve the problem
solutions = problem.getSolutions()

# Print out the solutions
for i, s in enumerate(solutions, start = 1):
    print(f"Solution {i}:")
    for t in villagers_teams:
        print(f"{t}: {[s[t + time] for time in allocated_time]}")

Solution 1:
team1: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
team2: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
team3: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
team4: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
team5: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
team6: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
team7: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

(It is assigning 112 hours, need to make it to assign 96 hours)

Attempt #4

import constraint

villagers_teams = ["team1", "team2", "team3", "team4", "team5", "team6", "team7"]
allocated_time = ["D1_Hr1", "D1_Hr2", "D1_Hr3", "D1_Hr4", "D2_Hr1", "D2_Hr2", "D2_Hr3", "D2_Hr4",
                  "D3_Hr1", "D3_Hr2", "D3_Hr3", "D3_Hr4", "D4_Hr1", "D4_Hr2", "D4_Hr3", "D4_Hr4"]

problem = constraint.Problem()

# Add the variables and the domain into the problem
for t in villagers_teams:
    problem.addVariables([t + '_' + time for time in allocated_time], [0, 1])

# Define the constraints
def stir_for_four_hours(*args):
    return sum(args) == 4

def max_four_hours_a_day(*args):
    return sum(args) <= 4

def stir_at_least_eight_hours(*args):
    return sum(args) >= 8

def total_hours_constraint(*villagers_teams):
    total_hours = sum(1 for team in villagers_teams if team is not None)
    return total_hours == 96

# Adding the constraints to the problem
for day in range(1, 5):
    for t in villagers_teams:
        problem.addConstraint(stir_for_four_hours, [t + f"_D{day}_Hr{i}" for i in range(1, 5)])
        problem.addConstraint(max_four_hours_a_day, [t + f"_D{day}_Hr{i}" for i in range(1, 5)])
    problem.addConstraint(stir_at_least_eight_hours, [t + f"_D{day}_Hr{i}" for t in villagers_teams for i in range(1, 5)])
    problem.addConstraint(total_hours_constraint, [f"{day}Hr{slot}" for day in days for slot in slots])

# Solve the problem
solutions = problem.getSolutions()

# Print out the solutions
for i, s in enumerate(solutions, start=1):
    print(f"Solution {i}:")
    for t in villagers_teams:
        print(f"{t}: {[s[t + '_' + time] for time in allocated_time]}")

Solution 1:
team1: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
team2: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
team3: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
team4: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
team5: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
team6: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
team7: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

Attempt #5

import constraint

# Define the teams and the time slots
teams = ["team1", "team2", "team3", "team4", "team5", "team6", "team7"]
time_slots = [f"D{day}_Hr{hour}" for day in range(1, 5) for hour in range(1, 7)]

# Create a problem instance
problem = constraint.Problem()

# Add variables (each time slot can be assigned to one team)
for slot in time_slots:
    problem.addVariable(slot, teams)

# Each team must stir for at least 8 hours (two time slots)
for team in teams:
    problem.addConstraint(lambda assignment, team=team: list(assignment.values()).count(team) >= 2, time_slots)

# No team can stir for more than 4 hours a day (one time slot per day)
for team in teams:
    for day in range(1, 5):
        problem.addConstraint(lambda assignment, team=team, day=day: sum(value == team and f"D{day}_" in slot for slot, value in assignment.items()) <= 1, time_slots)

# Solve the problem
solutions = problem.getSolutions()

# Print out the solutions
for i, solution in enumerate(solutions, start=1):
    print(f"Solution {i}:")
    for slot, team in solution.items():
        print(f"{slot}: {team}")

TypeError: () takes from 1 to 2 positional arguments but 24 were given

Attempt #6

import constraint

# Define the problem
problem = constraint.Problem()

# Define the teams
teams = ["team1", "team2", "team3", "team4", "team5", "team6", "team7"]

# Define the time slots
time_slots = ["D1_Hr1", "D1_Hr2", "D1_Hr3", "D1_Hr4", "D2_Hr1", "D2_Hr2", "D2_Hr3", "D2_Hr4",
              "D3_Hr1", "D3_Hr2", "D3_Hr3", "D3_Hr4"]

# Each time slot can be assigned to any team
for time_slot in time_slots:
    problem.addVariable(time_slot, teams)

# Define a function to count the total time assigned to each team
def count_time(*assigned_teams):
    from collections import Counter
    team_counts = Counter(assigned_teams)
    for team in teams:
        if team_counts[team] > 24:  # Each team should not be assigned more than 24 hours
            return False
    return True

# Add the constraint to the problem
problem.addConstraint(count_time, time_slots)

# Get the solutions
solutions = problem.getSolution()

# Print the first solution
if solutions:
    for key, value in solutions.items():
      print(key + ': ' + value)
    print("No solutions found.")

D1_Hr1: team7
D1_Hr2: team7
D1_Hr3: team7
D1_Hr4: team7
D2_Hr1: team7
D2_Hr2: team7
D2_Hr3: team7
D2_Hr4: team7
D3_Hr1: team7
D3_Hr2: team7
D3_Hr3: team7
D3_Hr4: team7

Attempt #8

import constraint

# Define the problem
problem = constraint.Problem()

# Define the teams
teams = ["team1", "team2", "team3", "team4", "team5", "team6", "team7"]

# Define the time slots
time_slots = ["D1_Hr1", "D1_Hr2", "D1_Hr3", "D1_Hr4", "D1_Hr5", "D1_Hr6",
                    "D2_Hr1", "D2_Hr2", "D2_Hr3", "D2_Hr4","D2_Hr5", "D2_Hr6",
                  "D3_Hr1", "D3_Hr2", "D3_Hr3", "D3_Hr4","D3_Hr5", "D3_Hr6",
                    "D4_Hr1", "D4_Hr2", "D4_Hr3", "D4_Hr4","D4_Hr5", "D4_Hr6"]

# Each time slot can be assigned to any team
for time_slot in time_slots:
    problem.addVariable(time_slot, teams)

# Define a function to count the total time assigned to each team
def count_time(*assigned_teams):
    from collections import Counter
    team_counts = Counter(assigned_teams)
    for team in teams:
        if team_counts[team] > 24:  # Each team should not be assigned more than 24 hours
            return False
    return True

# Add the constraint to the problem
problem.addConstraint(count_time, time_slots)

# Get the solutions
solutions = problem.getSolution()

# Print the first solution
if solutions:
    for key, value in solutions.items():
      print(key + ': ' + value)
    print("No solutions found.")

D1_Hr1: team7
D1_Hr2: team7
D1_Hr3: team7
D1_Hr4: team7
D1_Hr5: team7
D1_Hr6: team7
D2_Hr1: team7
D2_Hr2: team7
D2_Hr3: team7
D2_Hr4: team7
D2_Hr5: team7
D2_Hr6: team7
D3_Hr1: team7
D3_Hr2: team7
D3_Hr3: team7
D3_Hr4: team7
D3_Hr5: team7
D3_Hr6: team7
D4_Hr1: team7
D4_Hr2: team7
D4_Hr3: team7
D4_Hr4: team7
D4_Hr5: team7
D4_Hr6: team7

Attempt #9

import constraint

# Define the problem
problem = constraint.Problem()

# Define the teams
teams = ["team1", "team2", "team3", "team4", "team5", "team6", "team7"]

# Define the time slots
time_slots = ["D{}_Hr{}".format(i, j) for i in range(1, 5) for j in range(1, 7)]

# Each time slot can be assigned to any team
for time_slot in time_slots:
    problem.addVariable(time_slot, teams)

# Define a function to count the total time assigned to each team
def count_time(*assigned_teams):
    from collections import Counter
    team_counts = Counter(assigned_teams)
    for team in teams:
        if team_counts[team] > 8:  # Each team should not be assigned more than 8 hours in total
            return False
        if any(sum(1 for t in assigned_teams[i:i+6] if t == team) > 4 for i in range(0, len(assigned_teams), 6)):  # Each team should not be assigned more than 4 hours a day
            return False
    return True

# Add the constraint to the problem
problem.addConstraint(count_time, time_slots)

# Get the solutions
solutions = problem.getSolutions()

# Print the first solution
if solutions:
    for key, value in sorted(solutions[0].items()):
        print(key + ': ' + value)
    print("No solutions found.")

Keyboard Interrupt
(I gave up here)