Need somebody to advise why this piece of code is not working,

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import re
import datetime

metal_translation = {"Aluminium": "Aluminio", "Copper": "Cobre", "Zinc": "Zinc", "Nickel": "Níquel", "Lead": "Plomo", "Tin": "Estaño",
                     "Aluminium Alloy": "Aleación de Aluminio", "Cobalt": "Cobalto", "Gold*": "Oro*", "Silver*": "Plata*",
                     "Steel Scrap**": "Chatarra de Acero", "NASAAC": "NASAAC", "Steel Rebar**": "Varilla de Acero"}

def get_metal_values():
    names = []
    prices = []
    metals = requests.get('').text
    soup = BeautifulSoup(metals, 'lxml')
    metal_table = soup.find("table", attrs={"class": "ring-times"})
    metal_table_names, metal_table_prices = metal_table.tbody.find_all("th"), metal_table.tbody.find_all("td")
    for name in metal_table_names:
        names.append(name.text.replace("LME ", ""))
    for price in metal_table_prices:
    return names, prices

def get_peso_conversion():
    peso = requests.get('').text
    soup1 = BeautifulSoup(peso, 'lxml')
    conversion = soup1.find("div", class_="cc-result").text
    rate ="\d{2}\.\d{4}", conversion).group()
    return rate

def get_time():
    date =
    time = (f'{}/{date.month}/{date.year} | {date.hour}:{date.minute}')
    return time

def convert_values():
    names, prices = get_metal_values()
    rate = get_peso_conversion()
    metal_data = dict(zip(names, prices))
    for k, v in metal_data.items():
        v = (float(v.replace(",", "")) * float(rate))
        v = ("%.2f" % v)
        k = metal_translation[k]
        print(f'{k}: {v} 

def program_run():
    print("Metal Prices by ETHAN HETRICK")
    print(f'{get_time()} | 1 USD = {get_peso_conversion()} MXN\n')
    print("Precios de metales de London Metal Exchange: (Por tonelada métrica, *Por onza Troy)\n")

input("\nEscribe 'x' para terminar.\n")


Metal Prices by ETHAN HETRICK
26/6/2020 | 18:28 | 1 USD = 23.0622 MXN

Precios de metales de London Metal Exchange: (Por tonelada métrica, *Por onza Troy)

Aluminio: 36484.40 $
Cobre: 138038.80 $
Zinc: 47438.95 $
Níquel: 293097.50 $
Plomo: 41004.59 $
Estaño: 391826.78 $
Aleación de Aluminio: 27997.51 $
NASAAC: 27444.02 $
Cobalto: 657272.70 $
Oro*: 40711.70 $
Plata*: 410.74 $
Chatarra de Acero: 6065.36 $
Varilla de Acero: 9720.72 $

Escribe 'x' para terminar.

Hi @Ags, welcome!

What output are you expecting, and how is the actual output different instead? Is there an error or stack trace?

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