SLU Python coding newbie

My name is Petera, Tera for short. I’ve learned Java and C++, and now I’m a newbie to Python. I’m excited to learn Python, and it is nice to meet all of you.

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Hello, Petera, and welcome to the Python Discourse community!

We hope you enjoy the discussions here, as well as your Python programming coursework at Saint Leo University.

Please see the information on the following introductory Python Discourse pages, since it will be very useful for enhancing your benefit from this forum:

On the first of those two pages, please be sure to see the important guidance regarding how to format error messages and Python code for proper display, in case you decide to post such information when asking questions or helping other users within the Python Help category on this forum. You are also welcome and encouraged to browse through some of the ongoing discussions within that category.

Best of success with all your courses at SLU!