If one clicks the … icon below a message, it is replaced by a flag and bookmark icons. (The latter looks like a hanging banner, but represents the exposed end of a fabric bookmark.) (Silly to have to do this, but that is another topic.) In any case, click your profile image and the left of the three icons underneath is the bookmark icon. Click that you there is a list of bookmarked messages, with an unbookmark button for each. I am going to like this. I can bookmark messages I might want to respond to after reading the rest of the messages. Attribution: Terry Reedy
How do I make Discourse more like a mailing list?
Log into your account, go into preferences, enable Mailing List Mode.
How do I search?
Discourse is perfectly searchable using Google in exactly the same way as Mailman archives. It also has built in search.
What are the trust levels?
Regular users start at trust level 0. Committers are at trust level 3. There is only one more level and this is for moderators and admins of the instance. This models what we had on the mailing lists, what we have on GitHub, and so on.
Can I set push vs. pull parameters?
Discourse can be configured to be push or pull based on a personal level. Not only on a personal level, but you can control at the category (similar to different lists), tag, or individual topic level.
Where are the settings to reply and create a new topic?
Can you add a section on how to send direct messages to a user? I’m in Japan for a project and would like to contact another user who mentioned that he’s in Japan.
EDIT: I see that messaging is enabled based on a user’s trust level. The Message button popped up on other user’s profile information after I noodled around on the site for a while, posting a few times, editing the posts, etc. So my request here is to add a note about when Messaging is enabled. That would have saved me a lot of time and head scratching. When discobot messaged me, it was doubly obvious that discuss.python.org includes this obvious function but I saw absolutely no evidence of how to invoke it. And then #POOF!#, it appeared out of nowhere.
Hi thanks for the let know! I look forward to using this Python forum as I’m new to coding and have many questions. I’ve already taken a look at some of the tutorials and libraries and find this be a great resource to reference when I’m stuck on something.