Announcement: distlib 0.3.3 released on PyPI

Version 0.3.3 of distlib has recently been released on PyPI. For newcomers, distlib is a library of packaging functionality which is intended to be usable as the basis for third-party packaging tools.

The main changes in this release are as follows:

  • Fixed #152: Removed splituser() function which wasn’t used and is deprecated.

  • Fixed #149: Handle version comparisons correctly in environment markers.

  • Add ARM-64 launchers and support code to use them. Thanks to Niyas Sait and Adrian Vladu for their contributions.

  • Fixed #148: Handle a single trailing comma following a version. Thanks to Blazej Floch for the report and suggested fix.

  • Fixed #150: Fix incorrect handling of epochs.

  • Reverted handling of tags for Python >= 3.10 (use 310 rather than 3_10). This is because PEP 641 was rejected.

  • Added a GitHub Actions workflow to perform tests.

A more detailed change log is available here.

Please try it out, and if you find any problems or have any suggestions for improvements, please give some feedback using the issue tracker!


Excellent! This was on my list to make happen, so glad you’re ahead of me here.

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I’ve assumed there’s no demand for a 32-bit ARM launcher - are there any current Windows versions running on 32-bit ARM, as far as you know?

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Nothing that would require a launcher. So yeah, fine to miss it I think.

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